
@marythegr8: Got to do it one heathen at a time like they did back in the Crusades.

@DittoBox: Even more bizzare is the whole quote "...moral weapon that conformed to the Christian 'just war' principles, because it can be used to discriminate between enemy miltary personnel and innocent civilians."

@brt312-: I actually thought of Peta Wilson...

@xdeathknightx: My theory is that new genre shows are made purposely as bland as possible for about the first six episodes in an attempt to attract Joe Sixpack Viewer. Past that point and the money men start letting the creative types have more freedom.

@bowen13: I tell everyone I lend my BSG DVDs too, to stop when the find the first earth (not that anyone listens).

@Crrash: I'm guessing OP means it doesn't legally belong to him.

@Hello Mister Walrus: I don't think he would., but maybe I'm holding him in too high esteem. He just doesn't seem like that much of whore.

Instructable please.

@lpranal: Another endorsement for the Karate Monkey.

Re: 8

@thebluepill: Most of that money is being spent on marketing. Really if straight to DVD wasn't such a maligned medium or if someone came up with a Kickstarter style funding system that actual worked a lot more great, moderately budgeted movies would get made. Unfortunately when you're talking a $200 investment it has

@SeventhSteel: Yeah, but then you have to sit through Alpha Dog.

@hdgotham (Hannah Wilson): I don't think its that important. I haven't been able to rewatch it myself, but I remember thinking it looked dated when I saw it on VHS in the early 90s.

@CarrerCrytharis: I will see this movie. But only because of Neveldine and Taylor. I honestly think they're the most underrated directors working today.

@anthopopo: Isn't that true of any "soft" science?

@tetracycloide: That was would be an interesting variable. Unfortunately though, impossible to pull off in any meaningful capacity.

@lucyjae: Make one of them female. Get us straight guys in on that creepy incest slash fic action.

@Eddard: I just curious to see how small the reboot/remake/mash-up cycle gets before Hollywood collapses into a black hole.

Wait, io9 doesn't have a Senior Singularity Analyst? That's a major oversight. I hereby nominate and second myself for the job. Let me know where I can pickup my checks.

@mnerd: Yeah, I don't get why anyone would want to. Especially since a lot of the results are widely open to interpretation.