
What does Katie see in the Watcher? She seems like a cool chick (Edward Cullen references aside) and that dude is fucking creepy.

Is that manage your parents thing for real? Cause I've got to say if I'm interviewing someone and I'm getting calls from their parents there is no way they're getting the job, if they over 18.

@Snertly: I see what you did there.

@gthing: Also for some inexplicable reason UPS will hold your package rather than deliver it early. I've had packages sent 3 day that could have been delivered in two days that'll just sit on for an extra day.

@lloydchristmas1391: I used to work in Biotech so I'm familar with double blind studies etc, but its still pretty amazing to me that you can gather a bunch of people officially label them at high risk of something they could avoid and they won't change their behaviour one bit.

@ParryLost: I'd saying walking around so happy that other people want to punch you in the reproductive organs qualifies as "interferring with the ability to function normally"

@thebluepill: I think its just continual (even if very slow) movement up Maslow's pyramid.

Before I drop $30. How much veins is too much veins?

@Andrew Pollack: agreed. I'm somewhat excited about the 5" Android phone though. Too big for most but perfect for my Sasquatch paws. I'll probably pick one up on one of those 1 cent Amazon deals.

@Tightlines: It would be a different story if said policies were effective, instead of widely abused, arbitrary and useless. I personally don't care about the body scanner. I look awesome naked and will strip down for anyone who asks. Nor do I care about the pat downs. What I have a problem with is the violation of my

@DustyButt: Does it increase/decrease battery life, app performance, etc? Any complaints?

@will.fincher: If you read my post you'd notice that at no point do I mention that Danny Glover should be Spider-Man much less anything about about a black Spider-man's "time has come". My question was to your statement that he couldn't be Spider-Man because Spider-Man's personality of being that of a white male. So

@will.fincher: Spider-man is depicted as a geeky white male since the 50's. His personality is that of a white male.

@Groucho Marxism: Make Brennan with a cyborg, or introduce a multiverse.

Can anyone find any info on her? Google only comes back with the article and the included picture is almost too attractive to be anything but a random Actress' headshot.

@Chris Braak: I'm guessing they picked him because they don't have to pay him much and everyone else they asked realized what a hornet's nest this is. The more I think about it the worse I feel for the guy, this will destroy him.

@Cash907Censored: ROFL! I read that quote and nearly fell out OF my chair. Does he actually believes that's true? If nothing else, the inevitable Comic-Con appearance bloodbath should be entertaining.

I don't get it. I want something, I see if I can afford it and I buy, I can't afford it, I don't buy it. But freezing my ass off in front of a Walmart for 6 hours so I can fight 500 people for 50 $69 Blu-Ray players that'll be broken in a year? Whats the upside?

Wait. I this was a protected area why would they let them film there in the first place?