
@Annamatopoetry: Why is everyone convinced that Fischer wouldn't be driven insane by the Inception. The idea they planted wasn't that Fischer's father loved him, that was just the vehicle. The idea was that his father wants him to be his own man. Since it seems that once planted the idea just keeps growing (hence the

@lightninglouie: I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this this. When I saw it the other audience members gave that mass sigh audiences do whenever something heartwarming happens, after Fischer pulls the windmill from the safe, and I couldn't help but giggle.

@vinylrake: p'tak! What Klingon commander would unlcloak before he was in torpedo range.

@kofianna: True. But Warehouse 13 atleast had Jane Espenson attached to it. I've never heard of most of these people, and they one's I have heard of aren't any good.

@AgentCoop: You're probably right, granted it work on me atleast. In the longterm I expect it will backfire, but I could be wrong. Who honestly saw BSG coming?

@Dr Emilio Lizardo: I don't about that. Sorborino ruined Andromeda by getting the original Exec fired and then enacting his own inane ideas.

@philselmer: quite. It's the under 35 mph I'm worried about. Most of my close calls in the last three years have been Prius (Prii?) at intersections with blindspots, usually as they're performing a California Rolling Stop through a Stop sign.

I saw one of these in person sitting yesterday outside my workplace in Emeryville, CA. I'm guessing it was a journalist ride along as it was stuffed with guys wielding massive DSLRs.

@Tom_Servo: are you implying that dyson is working on some kind of Jetson-like bladeless, bagless, no suction loss, outrageously priced masturbator?

@MyMiltankBringsAllTheBoysToThe...: I dislike these guys as much as the next sane human being, but anything that messes with the 1st is a bad idea.

@yantelope: I'm kinda hoping this kills the entire endeavor until they come up with some kind of 3D that doesn't involve me jamming stupid glasses over my neccessary glasses.

@Fooly: I'd gladly poke that bear.

@mtfmuffins: Haha! I can guarantee you that Ben & Jerry's Design and Marketing has a style book atleast 300 pages thick. Deviate from it at your peril.

@MJM579: Maybe not, but judging by your other posts in this thread you do piss your time away bitching about things that other people find important.

@ibelli: Photographers have become the new record-ophiles. It's almost exactly the same analog is superior to digital rant.

@MJM579: You're obviously not a graphic designer.

@OCEntertainment: I can't wait for the sequel, 10 YEARS LATER when bladesaw gets out of prison and begins to cut a swath through Sweden's criminal underworld to find out who betrayed the crew and collect his share of the score (plus 10 years compound interest at the rate of and average performing index fund) and get