Cool, and the dig at Jessica Chastain? Was that also meant literally?
Cool, and the dig at Jessica Chastain? Was that also meant literally?
Worse for whom?
Because most of them don’t actually give a shit, I’m sure. It’s hip to be woke. It’s not hip to actually invest time and thought into what on earth you’re doing.
I’d be on your side if he wasn’t wearing a pin that said “Time’s Up”. Don’t wear a pin supporting a cause if you don’t even know what that cause is. And expect to be asked about it.
WOW, I did not know about that. Thank you. Jesus.
Proof? Women are multidimensional, and we are talking about an event where attention-seeking and feminist protest against rape culture (which includes slut-shaming) collides.
What’s up with the kinda crappy/mean commentary? For example in regards to Tonya Harding, “...showing off that boxer’s midriff.” Really? What happened to not judging women and their bodies? If this was an attempt at comedy, it’s time to do better. Snide, mean girl commentary isn’t comedy.
Well, she’s gorgeous.
Only from women who still support slut-shaming and victim-blaming.
Seriously? So if a woman doesn’t dress modestly she’s a Cool Girl who supports rapists? I thought feminism was against the patriarchal ‘Fight rape culture by toning it down, not drawing attention to yourself, and not dressing like a ‘slut’ BS that’s been thrown at us for thousands of years.
I got what you were pointing out. And people attacking her is making me feel super uncomfortable.
Yeah I’m super uncomfortable by this.
Yeah, people seem to think I posted this in criticism of her. It was actually in criticism of the tweet pointing her out.
So we’re going to have a whole thread where we bash this unknown girl for her clothing choice? *Insert Lucille Bluth Eyeroll Gif*
I’m not sure why “women, the vast majority of whom have experienced sexual harassment on the job” should have to make themselves hideous for this? It’s a solidarity thing, and black is the one color that doesn’t have a trillion shades.
Everyone should have been forced to wear orange. 1) It’s the color of safety cones and traffic jackets so it’s associated with warning of danger; and 2) Then 98% of them would look hideous. And the 2% of people who look good in orange would be our new leaders. (I know there will be a Trump joke but I said looks good.)
A little odd for Johnny Weir to be there considering his own history of domestic violence.
I immediately liked this. Gimmie.
I have a hat that looks like hers.
You know honestly, I kind of like this? I’ve personally got too much going on in the shoulders and chest to pull off this silhouette, but I’m sorta digging it.