
As a women I am told that the problem is that I do not negotiate on my own behalf, so this lines up perfectly with my experience of trying to prove my own worth in negotiation: it doesn’t work, because the reasoning of employers is not only sexist, it’s not even logical. I could “prove myself” 5 different ways,

good luck with talent salaries

Sure, that’ll work in the entertainment industry.

I’m more shocked that enough people watch this stuff that they can afford to pay anyone, let alone two people

Uh do you have any idea how much it costs to launch a line in just the straight sizes? And the manufacturing issues involved with plus sizes? It’s not as simple and fatphobic as you’re making it out to be.

You realize that it’s incredibly costly from a production and operational perspective for a startup to produce extended sizes, right—whether it be petite, tall or plus? This is generally why only more established companies provide extended size options. You act as if startups have endless resources to cater to every

Really commendable of her.

“We need to launch plus as a separate brand with new fits, new models and new fabrics to ensure that the styles fit and look great.

You know what we didn’t have ten years ago on Jezebel? Male commenters derailing on every article.

They are so inbred, they have a lot of genes in common!

... Yeah, there’s no way in hell that’ll happen.

Now you know how every group feels

You’ve posted this comment multiple times. Sometimes people who are outright, provably shitty get to be called names. If I want to call Ivanka Trump an icy, calculating bitch whose frozen, botox’d face doesn’t betray how terrified she is that the pipsqueak father of her children is going to jail, I’m not going to be

I guess “When they go low, we go high” is out the window then.

SHS is an odious human being who was once told by her boss (Mooch) that she needed a makeup artist to succeed in her job. She lies and evades for a living, willingly. If she had a soul, she would have quit long ago, as many in this awful administration already have done.

I’ve never laughed at anything Chelsea Handler said. Never. I watched her youtube clip of going to a wedding in India... just more proof that she’s a racist, wilfully ignorant ass.

Let’s not forget how many women were complicit and ARE complicit in this bullshit. Yvette Vega, who many of Charlie Rose’s victims went to is now all “Mea Culpa!” Fuck you Yvette, you’ve been enabling this shit to keep it off your own thigh since 1991. You’ve betrayed and been complicit for most of my lifetime you

Famous women, or women with status, are more likely to be taken seriously, I think. It wasn’t until Gwyneth and Angelina came out that the Weinstein story had real weight in the public’s mind. Ashley and Rose were somewhat dismissed. If the Moore or Franken accusers (I’m not comparing the men’s actions) had been

Just remember, everyone: THEY CAN ALL BE REPLACED. Possibly by women! Maybe even by somebody even better/more artistic/funnier/whatever! Certainly someone better at not harassing people!

You need to add the part where (especially if you’re a POC), the predator’s fellow co-workers come out to defend his reputation because they just know something we don’t/he never treated THEM badly, so how could said predator EVER do something like that to anyone else?