
My father has had a Tesla Model S since 2013. A family member replaced a BMW M3 with a Performance Model 3. I currently drive a Rivian R1S. I am not sure I agree with your summary, especially for someone in the Northeast that has decent access to Rapid Chargers and for someone who does not drive long distances as the

And yet Jalop is writing about:

It pick US and Elon or boycott him and let the CCP crush the US auto industry. Even if you despise Elon, I don’t see how you translate that to boycotting anything Tesla and its somehow righteous and

Yes, we have family friends in the MA/NH area, and many have Model Ys. But a 2021+ Model 3 Performance is a hoot, and the facelifted 24+ are a tad bit quicker more so. I saw this a few months back and can’t think of anything that “zippy” that you can still DD:

Zippy + Doesn’t drive much = Perfect for an EV. For a car the size of the Audi A3, it leaves the Tesla Model 3 or Polestar. From those two I would really lean a Model 3 Performance, especially a 2021+ with the heat pump. Find one under $25k and you might still qualify for the $4k used IRA credit before that is cut

350 miles EV range is more than enough for a PHEV. Heck even half of that would be very good. It makes no sense to pay for, and lug around the huge and heavy 168kwh battery when in day to day use, you won’t even need half of that.

Just wait until Canada cuts off oil exports to the US and the price of gas jumps a dollar or two.  Try explaining to your uncle that he voted for that.

This is the first time I’ve woken up as an American and genuinely not felt safe. And to all the people who chose this? Fuck you and I hope they come for your family first.

Ah, a great $2,800 find. Would dail....... wait, HOW much do you want for it!?

Woah, wait everyone... I think this guy is just posting from 2022.
But seriously, Rivian has built more than 130,000 vehicles and are already delivering a refresh of the R1T/S. They’re a company.

Don’t know where you’re living but there are over 275K Mavericks out there.  Seeing a large percentage being used for businesses.

They also need to crack down on recycling places, or whoever they sell them to.

That one was probably a demo. Their inventory shows 0 2024 EVs available and 47 2025 EVs available.

Saw the headline thought they got Yainni lol

Because Jalop has devolved into a Musk hate site.  Thats all.

Coz put Tesla in a headline and you get da’clickz.

I was thinking the same.

I’m all for Musk bashing, but......meh.

America protected and used alot of those Nazi scientists for American endeavors. Also, America didn’t even care for the war, until the Japanese attacked them. Which is one thing that you don’t do to America, directly attack it. Had Germany attacked Pearl Harbor instead, it would have been a different story I reckon.

I don’t like trucks. I like that truck.

“You won’t see this on the news!” they say about a story they just made up.