
Your local roads are already paid for by your local taxes. This tax would be for the federal interstate system. So if you’re not using the interstate system, then it actually does seem fair that you don’t have to pay for it.

App updates and quality control are not directly correlated. That’s like saying Windows 11 shouldn’t have come out if Windows 95 just had better quality control. Consumer needs change over time. New streaming services come out. Novel ways to use data are invented. Sure, sometimes there are bug fixes. But holding back

Mini just has too many special editions that it’s hard to treat one as any different than the other. Considering how cheap you can get these, it’s very very hard to justify paying basically new car MSRP after 20 years.

I recommend you try out Tesla’s infotainment system. I’ve yet to use an infotainment or AndroidAuto that can match it. It feels like it was actually designed in 2025 rather than 2005, even on my 6 year old car. My phone carrier has I guess what you could call a 0 GB soft limit, all data is $0.01/MB ($10/GB).

Agreed. I leave home every morning at my desired charge level, and the only time I stop on the way home is to get groceries. And even the grocery store has an EV charger that I don’t need but occasionally partake in because it’s free.

So now what happens in 5 or 10 years when the car is no longer compatible with the latest version of CarPlay or AndroidAuto, or iOS and Android in general are surpassed by the next thing, and now it’s completely unable?

And by “at extra cost”, you mean the insane amount of extra cost you’re spending on gasoline on a regular basis during the lifetime of the vehicle, just to add a small amount of convenience for the 1% of trips?

Without published specs on a lot of this stuff it’s definitely hard to keep track. I’ve got a 2018 Model 3 Dual Motor, which was updated later to Acceleration Boost (supposedly +50 hp), and it did make a difference, but not as much as full Performance

Perhaps there are some missing details but it doesn’t sound like he tried to use it as a trade for something else. It sounds like he went back and tried to just get a refund. As anyone who has ever bought a car knows, you can’t just drive it around for a while and then bring it back to the dealer and get a refund.

Why swap it, unless you’re looking to install a newer EV drivetrain?

I’m going to tend to agree. I own both a Fiat 500 with switchblade key (as pictured in the article and a Pontiac G8 with switchblade key (of which I’ve purposely avoided the ‘recall’ because they replace it with a non-flip key). The Fiat’s simply has more surface area for the button itself, though the Pontiac’s is

That’s a good point! If you throw in a 500 hp motor and it’s spending most of its live cruising around at 150 hp, that certainly aids in longevity. I think it’s the case that the Tesla Model 3 AWD and Tesla Model 3 Performance have the exact same motor hardware, and it’s just software tuning that lets the Performance

Horsepower and range isn’t really correlated like that in an EV the way they are in an ICE. You can’t just decrease the power by half and get twice the range. The range is more about overall weight, motor efficiency, and aerodynamics. If you want more range you’re going to need a larger battery, which will make it

It took a while, but finally EVs are catching on to be the next big thing on the rally stage. A fully prepped Kia EV6 competed in American rally last year and surely there are more to come. My rally car is a turbo 4-cylinder but I do hope it’s practical for my next rally build to be electric. The whole idea of rally

It must’ve been years old reporting. It will absolutely not work if you try that present day, now the eye tracking is required for FSD.

Because it wasn’t needed for HW3.0 to have new camera. But I’m guessing that from the large jump from H2.5 to HW4.0, they need higher camera resolution, or even as simple as having a uniform aspect ratio for cameras on the system so they only need one codebase, rather than having to encode/decode multiple aspect

One big difference between Tesla’s ADAS technology and others is that there is no possibility of collaborative steering. That means the system prompts the driver to apply torque to the steering wheel — jiggle it to prove that you’re paying attention — but when the driver does so, the system deactivates.

you must have FSD engaged for 50 percent or more of your miles driven

Hoping that the camera upgrades are included in the package. I have a HW2.5 car upgraded to HW3.0 computer, and my wife has a HW4.0 car. The difference in camera quality (side mirror cameras or when you record the front/left/right/rear to thumb drive for dashcam) is massive. Color grading is way different, contrast,

Right? I think they buried the lede with that article title. 25,000 makes it sound like kind of a long time, but 2 years? That’s nothing.