
And that’s before we get to the tons of license plate readers that are popping up all over the place, as well as the ability to feed CCTV footage (from both public and private sources) into license plate recognition at scale. Stitching together movements of a particular vehicle is child’s play these days. Privacy is

Came here to day this

Heck depending on where in the US you live they could track you with traffic cameras, though certainly not as easily.

At least they looked at the forms and did something interesting with it, or attempted to at least. An attempt was made with that, no attempt was made with house from the article.

Alright, well at least that’s art. I mean, I don’t like it and it doesn’t look livable (like most “architecture” set-piece homes), but it’s architecture and some real effort and skill went into it. It mirrors the Cybertruck’s lines and then ups its game masterfully — artistically speaking, it does what the Cybertruck

Ammonia-based cleaners can also damage glass

I hate it when I get into a car that has vape residue all over the windows. It is a good red flag that lets me know the person I am dealing with is a massive douchebag, so that is a helpful shortcut I guess.

Those who prefer glass fields shouldn’t throw stones.

Agreed. I prefer landing in glass half full fields.

You’re comparing the wrong vehicles there, though. The current Cybertruck All-Wheel Drive is a two-motor vehicle. The “Dual Motor AWD” model shown at the launch was supposed to have 300+ miles of range and cost $49,900.

I’m sorry I know this, BUT

That (to me) was the buried lede.

Seriously! threeof the top five countries are in very northern cold regions!

> the Tesla 3/Y is a good Accord replacement

Lukewarm consumer demand is weighing on sales of electric cars”

A PHEV? Nah, it’s too full of compromise when you want an EV.  At least with the EV, they’ll save in maintenance and get the benefits of a dedicated EV platform (more space).

I grew up in a time where my parents would take me for rides. Just ride around. Then I used to do it in highschool. I still try to take the long way home every once and a while. Usually other people on the road is what makes it miserable for me.

... and he becomes a superhero, Road Rash.

/rushes to typewriter, hurriedly pens script about a young man who has a bicycle accident on radioactive road and becomes the superhero Road Rash.

I like how the EPA literally couldn’t wait another month before approving this.  Cause we’d expect this with Trump’s EPA.