You can’t really tell a Dodge Charger V6 apart from a Hellcat or Demon apart from the badge either, right?
You can’t really tell a Dodge Charger V6 apart from a Hellcat or Demon apart from the badge either, right?
Awesome write-up, thanks for the article. If I was in the market, this would absolutely be my next car. Currently have a 2018 Model 3 Long Range / Dual Motor with an extra 50 hp tuned in, and even at 3.7 seconds it’s pretty damned quick. I haven’t been in the eye-watering 1.99 second Model S Plaid yet, but it’s really…
Timing matters. I made that comment in the morning a full day after the news first broke, and then much later in the day, perhaps as a response to my comment on this article, the same author posted your linked article
Better do some calculations to determine which window to sit on. It would be terrible to get a window seat on the wrong side of the plane so you couldn’t actually see it!
There would be something quite unique about this too. Perhaps seeing the shadow of the moon slide along the ground so fast you can see it. I’m thinking of maybe flying my drone up a few minutes before totality and letting it record, then viewing the footage later to see if maybe 400 feet up would have a little bit of…
Neat trick! My hack was to go to the last slide, then the “previous slide” button works instantly, versus the “next slide” having a forced delay
I’m using satellite radio and streaming radio interchangeably here since the outcome is non-FM radio that you pay for with a subscription.
Tesla’s $10/mo includes streaming already, I use Slacker Radio and TuneIn Podcasts in mine. But sure, if you have a Spotify, Apple, or one of a few other accounts, you can log into the one you already own.
Right, I took that into account in the prices. Model Y with “cash on the hood” tax credit is $35,490. And the Chevy Blazer does not qualify for any tax credit.
I assume you’re talking about the Model Y?
Yeah, that’s absolutely insane.
It’s brutal. I’m in the process of upping the size of my containment seat shell because it’s a little too tight for the little fellas when the anti-submarining part of the 6-point harness buckles up. Manspreading exists for a reason
Totally agreed. Tesla did it right requiring people to back into Superchargers in order to plug in, basically forcing people’s hand to make them better parkers.
Listen again around 9:43.8 seconds. There’s a distant pop-pop sound, and it’s around 9:45.5 seconds (about 2 full seconds later) where he yells “shots fired”, and if you look at the graph in a sound editor, the pop-pop is actually louder than the yell, all the way down the street where the female officer was standing.…
I think Tesla saves them for automatic emergency braking events, but in my 5.5 years with my Model 3, and running a dashcam channel for 9 years, I can’t recall noticing any swerving or braking events automatically saved from the TeslaCam. I’ve got a Roav in another car that is overly sensitive with that sort of thing…