
Shut up. It’s not easy for women to come out with stories like this. Reliving the whole experience is painful enough. Then actually talking about it worse. Not too mention that if you’re the only person, no one would believe you. We know that as a fact. So shut the fuck up. These people are survivors and when they

Are you kidding me? Get out of here with that bullshit. I can guarantee you it’s not the only experience like this they’ve had, and their careers would have been ruined had they gone public with it. Fuck you and fuck everyone else whose first thought in the face of blatant systemic exploitation of human beings is

With all the ceaseless arguing, toxic fandoms, and very few, but very loud, horrible individuals, it is easy to forget that games are fun. These types of wholesome gaming stories always warm my heart and brighten my days.

Why do you hate Alan Thicke so much?

I’m the opposite to Matt Gerardi in that I loathe the season ONE of The Leftovers. Pretentious, over blown and all round over the top. Give me the quiet haunting simplicity of the season two opening titles. Although playing the season one music over the season two images in season three for one episode was a very cool

I liked “Let the Mystery Be” pretty well, but the dour instrumental theme for the first season of The Leftovers was awful. Also the latter was coupled to a camera pan over a pretty bad modern fresco depicting the not-a-rapture.

Tina Fey is really, really bad at talking about social issues in a way that is both insightful and funny. Why does she keep trying?

Not a list of costumes in media, just a list of 15 characters? ...OK.

When did you give up on the show? The first few episodes are off-putting but it really morphs into an excellent show after that. Kind of like how Spartacus had a rocky start. The Bear McCreary soundtrack is excellent although I don’t think they released more than one season OST.

I know opinions vary, and I don’t intend insult, but I just can’t process a list of “bad” television shows where Bojack Horseman and Frazier appear. It is possible to not respond to a show and still recognize that it is quality but just not your cup of tea. I am not a huge fan of Frazier either, but I won’t say it is

The audio on that Prefect Strangers video is messed up. That’s the theme from The Leftovers.

A conservative street artist

I would add Sunshine to the list, especially because there’s a severe lack of space movies here.

The fact that a bunch of people who write for the AVC didn’t like Ex Machina as much as you ruins the site?!

I mean, granted, it’s not as hipster-friendly as obscurities like The Matrix, WALL-E, or Terminator 2, but...

I have some thoughts about the dynamics of “white people really like...” as a criticism/mockery/whatever, but as a white person it’s probably not my place to expound them.

(Though it’s worse when white people pull that one out, granted.)

Oddly enough “Quarter Pounder Deluxe”

Additional games I’d like to add to the exploration list is Journey and Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture.

Abzu is or was free on ps4. I downloaded it a couple of months back and every now and then fire it up just to “swim” around. I think the people who made Journey also made this game.

The show is really good! And it shares a lot with Bojack. So imagine if a bunch of men went around saying “I’m proud to be like Bojack!” and quizzing women about Horsin’ Around episode titles and sending death threats to Lisa Hanawalt. You’d probably be really mad at those men!