
I think right now my pick for favorite boss has to go back to the first super challenging one for me: Reno. The Airbuster prior kicked my butt but Reno sort of felt like a teacher for me, someone who just never parryed or guarded. Rufus was also like that.

I found Jenova WAY cheaper. Rufus was pretty easy to figure out actually. Parry his attacks so you can severe the dog temporarily, then murder that thing. Once phase 3 hits triple slash on the reloads and keep your distance otherwise.

Junon! Have him fight you with his welcoming ceremony band playing the battle music, a la Yazuka 0.

I feel like I was doing something wrong during phase 2 Jenova. Do you seriously have to kill Tentacles A through Z just to damage Jenova again, only for Jenova to counter whoever damages it almost immediately before summoning tentacles AGAIN and therefore being immune to damage again? It wasn’t difficult so much as

Kind of a dull surprise realization if you ask me, considering Valkyries and the like. Then again that all gets muddled by Christian influence on what might even be true norse mythology.

I haven’t really played Iceborne since February. I’m not a Hammer collector but I am a connoisseur of the Charge Blade - I am working on collecting all of those myself. Now I have played MH3U and MH4U before this, fought me some Raging Brachydios and Furious Rajang - but this latest update? Both of them are so rough

Some more Final Fantasy 7 Remake. I’m about 40 hours in and one step away from the end of the game. I have to say that this remake has been fantastic and probably my favorite Final Fantasy entry since... I guess it was Final Fantasy X. XII was okay-ish and XV was fun, but this one actually made me love the setting of

She chastises both Cloud and Barret and gets a bit salty near the end.

Not really. You get some more experience with taking the elevator, but I feel like it’s not all that worth it. 

I was mostly indifferent to FF7 when I was younger. I loved the setting of Midgar but found the rest of the game not as interesting, partially because I found Sephiroth in his Lego glory to be lackluster at the time. FF7 Remake definitely does a lot of things better I think, the action combat being one of them. I love

The mayor mentions it either way. I guess you run through a food court so you’re bound to scare someone regardless.

Once you beat the game you unlock chapter select. Go ahead and load that bad boy up, while you’re at it make sure to check out the VR room again, they should add more challenges to it after you beat the game, although they might be Hard Mode only.

Most youtube comments I have seen have brought up this scene.

My wife was confused by my choice to take the stairs. I did not regret it one bit. It appears they added some comedy to the elevator bit too, although the amount of fights up the elevator doesn’t look as interesting to me.

Welcome to online gaming? If you can just nuke NPCs or kill them outright, you make it so others cannot interact with them. This is one of those “convenience versus realism” compromises.

Today I got an email saying my email got changed. I was amazed at how quickly it was to correct that. Why are people trying to take Minecraft accounts?

I prefer SAC version myself, where she had a personality.

As a church goer myself I say to them - assholes. I do not like these states that are creating religious exemptions. Just goes to show they care more about re-election and the like then actually keeping people safe.

Two primary reasons I can think of why they do not embrace digital. 1.) Their congregation is older and unlikely to embrace it, 2.) internet tends to be shoddy in most rural areas.

Let’s go with livestreaming related. I believe some other writers have done articles that are more related to their own interests then just gaming itself, just because this one is more religion related shouldn’t mean it shouldn’t exist.