Something about the music is reminding me of whoever laid out the scores for Legion and Fargo on FX. There is some similar dna going on there.
Something about the music is reminding me of whoever laid out the scores for Legion and Fargo on FX. There is some similar dna going on there.
Remember how Team Fortress 2 had roughly 5 years of free updates before it entered the loot box scene? It also started off as a roughly $20 game that eventually went free to play. I miss the days where that was the game development cycle for this sort of game.
I think this is fine. Different developer, different interests in what they want to go with.
Now now, we don’t need to do a slippery slope on this one. I haven’t played WoW in almost a decade now and I know for a fact that other playable races are way more diverse then the humans were in WoW.
I look foreword to Overwatch 3 when they reveal what other characters they have had planned for years but decided to hold back just to sell units.
Still waiting to see the people taking Q&A at Blizzcon to be banned for six months because of question takers also saying “Free Hong Kong.”
It would be worth keeping an eye on this situation as it continues to develop. I mean it was a technicality that allowed Blizzard to punish Blitzchung in the first place.
Any moral quandaries created by this dungeon? I would be disappointed if they did not exist.
Because Bethesda is only partially responsible for 76. It’s another branch that has mostly done the work on it from what I have read.
DULL SURPRISE. As much as I love Monster Hunter Iceborne, I can recognize it has also divide the community a bit. Where once gathering halls were filled with people, typically you just end up with one or two now. The PC release may have also affected this.
As much as I would like another Fallout game, I recognize a.) 76's success or failure is not going to up the timetable on that and b.) Elder Scrolls 6 and assumedly Elder Scrolls IN SPACE are in line ahead of it.
I’ll always prefer the From Soft model of “Single player, with the option of SOME multiplayer.”
Yeah. It’s dumb that some of those gestures were part of previous games, no charge. The other dumb thing is that character and palico alteration tickets were sold for real money, a feature that I would think would be free otherwise. I think Dragon’s Dogma also did this? But at least with that game you could earn the…
Was Gearbox involved in that hiring? I mean last I checked Troy Baker was doing a bit with Telltale by that point anyways, he and Laura Bailey helming the Batman games right after.
Monster Hunter World is probably the only game I didn’t skip and knew it had micro-transactions. Some are really dumb in that one.
It’s an Ubisoft game. Maybe there’s something unique of an idea there but it’s buried below a mountain of generic.
Is this.... whataboutism?
Can we come up with a list of other games that could be enjoyed instead? It’s not like there’s a short supply since Ubisoft tends to stay close to the generic footprint in design.
This article reads to me like someone has effectively accepted moving the goal post on what the public should expect from video game developers. It sure as hell doesn’t feel like that long ago to me that the “meta” was all about cosmetics being acceptable but anything else would be reason to type furiously online and…
I want it! But I will wait for it to release on all storefronts. No need to fuel EGS’ belief that it needs to rely on exclusivity to remain relevant.