I’m intrigued however I can definitely wait until the DLC machine runs its course in about a year when the eventual Steam release happens. Unless of course that doesn’t happen in which case get ready for that garbage fire response.
I’m intrigued however I can definitely wait until the DLC machine runs its course in about a year when the eventual Steam release happens. Unless of course that doesn’t happen in which case get ready for that garbage fire response.
Neat. Steam also doesn’t tell people to go elsewhere if they want to sell their games on multiple storefronts, so...yay steam?
Want a good dungeon builder? Perpetual Testing Initiative, Portal 2. Now there’s something special in giving fans the tools to make others hate you with your complex puzzles.
Probably would be better to just, ya know, donate and NOT claim some huge big deal over it in a publicity stunt. Boasting does not show sincerity.
Eh, I’d hype him up just because a split Republican vote means less chances of Trump.
This show reminds me of a Coen Brothers productions. It also makes me think of Barry in some ways with its comedy. It makes me want to watch Barry more though.
He wasn’t careful at all, just as incendiary as the Right. It’s easier to state the Left is angry and violent when you have data points and not conspiracy theory.
That’s pretty much what I mean. Violence in response to violence should not be justified when it comes to the death of civilians.
I guess it was fine dropping nukes on Japanese civilians then because they were apparently fine with their government in Wirld War II. I mean if they weren’t, they would’ve enacted a civil war right?
I think no matter what you shouldn’t justify the deaths of proxy victims. The US is not the only country that has blood on its hands, but I don’t think the answer for the US “Paying” for its bill is by way of more bloodshed. At this point in the information age, calling for people to be tried for war crimes and the…
You have some shit sources to justify your disdain for that guy. I’m now more curious on the make up of the gerrymandered district now, although I don’t think I’ll be all that surprised if it mostly ends up being white.
I do love it when they actual use the white supremacist lingo un-abashedly. At least then you don’t need to ask the question, “what are they really...?” and take time to figure it out.
I think there is an importance in highlighting issues even if you may not have all the solutions to them. This is partially why I like the youtube series Some More News (Angry coverage of news topic of the week) and Last Week Tonight, although I want to say John Oliver actually does try to offer some solutions even if…
Sounds like an Alex Jones type. When does he start doing product placement? I bet he already has t-shirts to sell at least.
Stumbled is a good word for it. Certainly not the most eloquent way to write out my thoughts.
Semantics, he called out an event not specific people. Still you should never justify the deaths of proxy victims, otherwise you play into the hands of terrorists like the Oklahoma City Bombers in 1995. Do not justify the ideology that the answer for violence is more violence in return.
I’m partially hoping he’s playing assassin turned aspiring actor Barry in a santa hat.
Look all I really want now is the new Duck Tales since I don’t own cable / Disney XD service.
I enjoyed him very much in Chuck. He plays a good antagonist when needed.
Sigh, he just gave the ideologies he disapproves of just low hanging fruit to discredit him. People just need to choose their words more carefully, or just at least realize what they’re about to say is just going to make matters worse.