Probably heavily modded Skyrim. Like REALLY heavily modded. I think I have a problem.
Probably heavily modded Skyrim. Like REALLY heavily modded. I think I have a problem.
Judging from The War On Everyone, an audiobook Robert Evans put together (Hosts the podcast Behind the Bastards), it’s been a REALLY slow creep until the internet was made public.
I think I would prefer just having Samuel L Jackson getting into his Pulp Fiction persona and shouting it out at them while smacking them with a bible.
So this is what it would’ve been like if President Trump had done the live interview with Mueller instead of written answers, huh?
I love how Trump’s tweets further destabilized the stock markets, thus proving once again that if we DO have a sudden nose dive overall it’s probably because he had a thought that he couldn’t just keep to himself.
That was a tactic Microsoft did, did Sony do that for any games? I guess you could say that’s what happened with the PS era Final Fantasy games in the long run, however I think that comes more from a culture of Japan developers preferring to develop Sony / Nintendo overall.
Oh yeah that was the other he mentioned.
Nice response! And I apologize if my tone in some posts amounts to “Kotaku isn’t covering this, it can do better!” I have a feeling that’s partly myself getting sucked into the emotional nonsense of this all.
Yes you are correct, I mis-read what happened. I was most likely going off how Jim Sterling framed it? I can’t recall now.
*Shrug* For big name companies it comes down to trickle down economic theory, for indies it’s more cash in hand. Really I don’t see it changing the landscape. Yes it’s better overall, except that it does limit the market for developers at the same time, so there is that.
I simply see more issues with changing the deal. They certainly can afford it, but so can Wal-Mart in reducing its prices to harm local businesses. In this case it would force GoG and other platforms to change as well which I’m unsure if they got the cash in hand to change their profit generation. Plus it raises the…
I consider it strong arming as it runs counter to Epic’s statements saying they are trying to make the gaming community better for all. It certainly sheds light as to why so many games on Epic are exclusives though.
Epic sort of brought it upon themselves though, they offered themselves up as the champion to take down Steam.
Question on uPlay - do you get a lot of alerts on weird activity involving your account? I have it because I bought a ubisoft game like 8 years ago and in the last year I’ve had to change my password like 4 times because of alerts.
Possible however it looks like the SNK CEO was quiet on who the actual platform was. I wouldn’t be surprised though as calling up prospects is sort of business 101.
There’s a difference between curation and attempting to strong arm indie developers into taking exclusive deals.
It’s not a struggle about making their game aware to a public - game reviewers, sales and word of mouth will do that just fine - it’s more like a struggle to get game journalists to cover an issue with more than one facade. It’s not just an issue of Epic Store snatching up exclusive deals, it’s another issue that they…
I want to say that due to anonymity of the internet angry customers tend to blow more smoke out of their asses online. I’m not sure of too many horror stories of angry fans coming after developers, but there are sure a lot of stories about streamers getting swatted. The potential of things getting out of hand online…
Yeah in a year you’ll probably see an HD remaster release of Borderlands 3 with all DLC.