
Because negative publicity is still publicity. Gizmodo as a whole recently changed corporate heads right? My guess is there’s more of a push to be snotty journalists then there is fair and balanced (tm).

Now playing

Harassing developers for going exclusive on Epic Store is bad. That said, this shit is more complex then what people like to focus on. I listened to Jim Sterling’s episode this week covering the topic to, I’ll link for those interested:

Mostly I just want to know the way to pronounce it.

It is unfortunate for you to say “dozens of people I know” because now all I can think of is..

Please no, we don’t need him making it fair game for drilling or whatever.

Him leaving office cannot come soon enough.

Check it out! One of the people interviewing the officers is the voice actress for Lisa Simpson. It’s set up as the hosts chatting with the officers so there’s a lot of back and forth. Even if you don’t agree with the views of the officers involved, it can be good to hear their own views on things.

June still has a daughter to liberate. 

So Kotaku when it comes to Epic Store games, are you going to review games twice? Might as well as you already do “[insert game here], one year later” on occasion.

Yeah if wind turbines kill all the birds on him, his NRA buddies can’t hunt them into extinction. 

Anyone interested on a story from the police side of things of a swatter, Small Town Dicks is a podcast that interviewed someone who pursued a swatter and some of his own thoughts on police inadequacies to handled cyber crimes in general:

I mean he’ll probably come up with some after watching commercials on Fox.

Gee I wonder why they have not been subject to an ICE raid yet.

Protest, not harass people. Why is it that hard?

Did Valve have crunch time shenanigans for their games? I have to bet they probably did, I would’ve thought it would have come up in some of the documentaries though.

Eh, I don’t have an Epic account and frankly don’t want one, even if the games I’ve been wanting are signing deals with them. My current understanding is that their platform is not up to snuff and I’m going to bet their account security isn’t either. I already have a free uPlay account because I bought an Ubisoft game

Weird how familiar this conversation is to discussions about criticizing Israel without being anti Semitic. 

Yeah don’t haze people even if they did a rather tone deaf press release. If you don’t want Epic to continue snatching games you may or may not have already pre ordered on Steam, don’t buy the Epic copies and make sure your friends don’t either.

Yeah you do need to refute the politicians. Letting people just echo chamber their ideals tends to just make them louder and harder to ignore.