Trump, indirectly blaming immigration for gun violence.
Trump, indirectly blaming immigration for gun violence.
Doom 3's original release was too scary for me to play, however I loved some of the design work for the environments for it. I especially loved the cafeteria with the angled shuttered glass viewing the Mars landscape. Much like Dead Space years later though, the environments outside the claustraphobic metal hallways…
20+ kids and some teachers dying just meant that lawmakers’ friends got an increase in gun sales.
Politicians love a mass shooting. It gets their soundbyte on the air, keeping their name fresh in the upcoming elections. They get to trash talk their opposition at the same time. Anyone in the pocket of American Healthcare has no interest in changing the status quo because their lobbyists’ clients get a payday every…
Cool! But also meaningless as California does winner takes all for its electoral votes. If this measure actually cut Trump off from a swing state, it would actually be meaningful.
Eh, too pretty boy. I prefer my Ganondorf to have that more Black Adam look to him - stern, with a prominent nose.
Your time will come again.
Only a portion of what got Trump elected was Trump though. Voice and figurehead, sure. However the Mueller Investigation was good at dismantling a bit of his support network from the 2016 election.
Cool, maybe the freshmen will do this as well. Personally I’d love to see the news and the like just simply stop covering Trump in an effort to lower how far his words reach. Fox would never do that, but then again if every other media outlet just stopped covering his tweets and the like they’d just be filled with him…
Of course he did. In order to maintain support by his base, Trump needs to not only continue creating enemies, he needs to keep them relevant in some way. I’m sure he will do something in order to bring up Clinton’s name as well.
Yeah I can see that. Disney buying Fox would be the best thing for the X-Men then.
Fair is fair, the focus on Inhumans during Agents of SHIELD was pretty interesting overall, but it was easily a substitute for Mutants as it were.
To be frank I believe that to be more of an issue with those doing the hiring rather than the actors being hired. Scarlett Johansson passing up a role doesn’t mean that the next person offered will be from a marginalized group. This is a problem that will not go away until there are more directors and the like that…
I kind of want to see a source of the long argued theory that this study attempted to refute. It’s certainly not one I have heard.
I’m watching the latest season of Stranger Things finally. There is a moron journalist in the new season that looks like they Boris Johnson, and today’s news that he is now the PM reminded me of this.
If there is one thing that came out of these hearings to me, it’s the realization that the US Government has really done absolutely nothing at all to prep for Russian interference in the upcoming election.
As Mitch would point out, it was only a problem because Obama was not on his side.
Fun movie! But villains birthed from Tony Stark’s actions need to stop. At this point most of the MCU rogues gallery are because Tony Stark was Tony Stark.
Immediate question is which market they are afraid of losing business in if they don’t change the art. My guess is either South Korea or China.
Trump’s shutdown in the winter cost the parks services quite a bit, so why not rob them after he already kicked them to the ground.