
There is a podcast called Small Town Dicks that involves the voice actress for Lisa Simpson talking with some police officer friends about cases they worked, one was on a SWATTER. It was interesting because it highlighted how un-prepared most police officers are on making arrests involving internet crimes.

One of my favorites is one that has not seen a re-release and probably never will: E.G.G. Elemental Gimmick Gear.

Nintendo, hire this artist. Their work presents a fantastic aesthetic that would be great for Pokemon. Adding a painted look to the already cute Pokemon visuals would be amazing.

I think AOC’s political future is going to hinge on next year’s election. I do like her walking the walk of what she believes and hope she gets the opportunity to continue to do so, however she’s up against the infernal living machine that is the USA politics and culture. 

LastWeekTonight just did a piece a week ago highlighting how garbage covered Mount Everest is. Wall-E has more truth to it then anticipated. I know I myself can do better. 

It depends on how we’ll implemented they are. They can either wake commands near walls touchy, or can be annoying to pull off.

Being someone who has not traded Pokemon ever or imported them from other games, I myself have been used to the idea that the gang is never all together.

I wonder what the reason is? My only guess is that it involves some online aspects for the game. 

Oh right, the Fingers. I think you can access that even offline.

Dex / Int was fun in DS2, with the sword you could cast spells with.

With Dark Souls 1 it’s always a shield / spear build. I tend to go dex mirrah greatsword in 2, strength greatsword in 3.

Now playing

Obligatory now for all Meghan McCain related articles.

I’ve been having an itch to play a city builder again and lo and behold, Banished went on sale and I finally picked it up.

On the plus side the 3DS’s sleep mode allows you to sort of just pull it out whenever you feel like playing it again.

I just bought Dark Souls Remastered a few weeks ago. My intent is to play through it and then Dark Souls 2 and then 3 again, culminating in finally playing through the Dark Souls 3 DLC since I initially skipped out on it.

People who enjoy Mech animes might also enjoy Code Geass, which has an overall dark storyline with a small mix of high school shenanigans. Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is a good bet for those that just want many waves of sadness and dysfunctional father figures.


Two things that should be mandatory in modern platformers: Double Jumps, and Ledge Grabs.

I’m not into Overwatch, however I would buy the Ham one for sure. 

I like a good fan project, I’ve been happy to see that Nintendo doesn’t squash them until they release. By then it’s typically too late and things are in the wild.