Dull surprise there. It would be interesting to have a role reversal Zelda story sometime, however Nintendo is gonna Nintendo.
Dull surprise there. It would be interesting to have a role reversal Zelda story sometime, however Nintendo is gonna Nintendo.
Yes, what a disaster that their existence leaked early and not the trailers and whatnot themselves.
Eh I found Hades himself amusing in that film. It’s not a great depiction of anything Greek though. God of War 3 SORT OF got close.
Sucks since Starcraft would make for some fantastic FPS action. I don’t know if Blizzard is the best fit though, I would probably prefer something similar done by id. Of course that’s basically DOOM 2016 / DOOM Eternal.
Credit where due, Netflix tends to be better about the cancelling of its shows - sans the Marvel cleanse due to Disney+. Which after how much executives are making the MCU shows sound v important on Disney+, I definitely can see why Netflix cancelled.
I tend to dislike it when media depicts the entirety of Hades outside Elysium as basically Hell. Tartarus is totally that though.
So this morning at the church service I attended the pastor brought up the requested prayer for the President and gave time for people to pray. I proceeded to pray for a good few minutes that his actions would catch up to him before his decisions harm even MORE people, let alone his representation of Christianity…
These all look like good lag machines at a certain scale. Falling sand and the like are technically entities right?
Is Trump’s twitter feed getting longer again?
I remember this guy did a pretty wicked Charizard in the Monster Hunter style and it made me wish for a Pokemon crossover that would definitely never happen.
Yeah it just in general reads better. It’s also nice on io9 where the header images tend to be semi-spoilers so you might end up running into those before knowing the title of the article.
Yeah I tend to try and limit my game purchasing to Steam for a.) convenience and b.) I’m trying to cut down on the amount of accounts I have, not increase them. Having a smaller internet footprint is always better.
I’m not sure if you know what the word “monopoly” means.
This scenario is reminding me of how Facebook by default shares a lot of your information. I am curious on if publishers / developers were informed by like a boiler plate email, by a terms and service page, etc. or if they were ACTUALLY contacted.
How is Good Old Games in the long run? I know they have the same cut as Steam does, but they seem to try and make what’s offered on their platform as accessible as possible, especially for those in what I would consider poor internet connection areas.
This article screams that they either deceived the developers / publishers, or they are incompetent in their explanations. Considering their store doesn’t even have a friggin shoping cart function, I’m going with the latter.
Yeah this sounds like a mess. It’s the sort of hiccup you really DON’T want to see happening.
When you get back here I hope you guys revert back to the old Kinja layout, the last time you guys did the whole “Image first, then description” it was a harder read and also tended to bury the non-header imaged updates that Splinter seems to be the only ones doing these days.
Last week was my last week at my old job and this song was playing in my head every time I left for the day.