What part of the restaurants? The cooks? I can see that. Busing tables and the like though, they’re not making minimum wage to begin with.
What part of the restaurants? The cooks? I can see that. Busing tables and the like though, they’re not making minimum wage to begin with.
Neat. Please follow up to see if their benefits are lowered in any way, like Amazon did when it also promised $15 an hour.
Paint the walls black? What idiot crap is that? Does he WANT to create heat islands in the friggin desert?
The Pre-Sequel I enjoyed the most once you entered Hyperion environments later in the game. Up until then the Skavs, or whatever Bandits are called this time around,were not that interesting and the Dahl forces were not nearly varied enough compared to BL2's Hyperion forces.
I poked my head in for the 1 Year celebration, I’ll probably pop in the next time another monster gets added, or the expansion when that comes out.
<3 Horizon Zero Dawn. I really want a sequel to it sooner rather than later.
I so want anything Terry Pratchett related to be excellent in adapted form. The Sky One adaptations of Hogsfather, Color of Magic / The Lights Fantastic, and Going Postal! were all pretty awesome, but I want more and something on a different budget.
There are a few versions of Prime from my understanding. If one family member shares Prime benefits with another family account, they receive the shipping benefits but not the other stuff. So typically that’s what I’m doing. My wife just accidentally activated a full version month trial on her account and that’s what…
Oh good I have no reason to return to Amazon Prime
Perhaps yes but not necessarily aimed at the same audience of Phoenix Wright - maybe the audience that enjoys Papers Please though. I certainly would be interested.
Eh I think I still prefer Brotherhood as the Philosopher Stone core in each Homunculus was a bit better to me compared to the existence of red water, which really didn’t have much explanation of existing in FMA it just was in pockets of areas and the more a Homunculus ate the more human they appeared and harder to…
Legacy of Kain: Defiance. After several games where the camera followed the main character around and really didn’t catch on a whole lot, Defiance decided to emulate Devil May Cry for reasons unknown to me and it resulted in many awkward camera angle and a less fun experience overall.
Oh good, I was wondering when that would return.
The first film was at its best when they made Pennywise unsettling, not so much terrifying. I enjoyed the creepy eye movements, slink back into the water of the flooded basement, jaw unhinging to reveal It’s deadlights, etc. That sort of stuff was cool.
Some days all I can think about is the Hate of the Nation episode of Black Mirror.
He’s not gonna get new voters, he’s just going to have more aggressive ones that will probably go out and vote again, moreso if they fear the democrat resistance and believe he actually is the subject of a coup.
To be real putting kids in cages isn’t even the worst thing US citizens have rationalized as normal. Look up George Tann if you’re interested.
Oh I’m not even thinking of that! I was thinking more of as a deterrent from future hate speech. If he suffers legal re precautions for his words, maybe he’ll be less inclined to continue that train of thought.
Steve Rogers sacrificed his life in order to prevent massive deaths. He then risked his life a second time in order to prevent the mass murder of thousands while also trying to save the life of his brainwashed friend.
That’s a good question I suppose. Unless someone is cited to be radicalized by Trump’s speeches and attacks someone, there may be no grounds yet.