
Necromancy in Skyrim also had these similar vibes. Yes in the lore technically necromancy was not as frowned upon as it was in previous entries. But almost nothing in the actual world reflected that. (It also handled the concept of dragons strangely)

Well I think contextually, one thing that Overwatch had going for it compared to other shooters of the time, were really strong characters, and story/background that the fans were clawing and begging to get more of. And PvE modes are great for that.

And considering they dropped the ball on engaging with the lore(as

One more thing, regarding this:

I’ll just state that the fact that DA:O was used here as an example of the last inspired writing by BioWare, if I’m understanding correctly, made me laugh pretty hard.

Sadly not surprising. People have a very skewed view of the relative difficulty of any task they may have a passing familiarity with.

Thing is, those marketing budgets are necessary. Not for you and me but dor the kinds of people who only play AAA games and don't read any type of gaming news site with regularity. And believe it or not, those kinds of folks are the majority of the gaming space

Still need Sony to make this thing smaller. From a build perspective I don’t like how it’s made. I question the longevity and hope to see a major revision in the next year.

Yes...the spice must flow.

There’s too much Star Wars in Star Wars.  Disney need to give it a rest already.

I agree with the overall theme of the article, but choosing Brig from Overwatch as the example really distracts from the point. Many comments are fixated on the Brig rather than the overall point.

I tried but...this is way too much energy and way too many words over a few voicelines that like...aren’t even bad? And doesn’t in any way suggest that her relationship with food has any broader implications.

I mean, I feel this way about Fortnite as a whole, haha. It’s too much everything, too much of the time.

But I’m happy for the people who are really into it!

My mind is blown. That was probably fifteen hundred words about how stereotypes and attitudes about fat people are being promoted by...a character that isn’t fat.

Everything that has ever existed can be viewed as problematic under the right lens. I feel like we are just desperately seeking reasons to complain at this point. I guess moving forward, just to be safe, all characters should be the generic placeholder body used in most game engines.

So...did they just make a shitty single player Payday or something, realize it sucked, and slap on a bunch of mostly nostalgic celebrities in the hopes they’d carry it?

We need better fair use protections, as in massive legislation.  Pity companies can just dump millions into lawyers to own the law.

EHEHEHE thank you for sharing 

I’m sincerely sorry that happened to you. All that work and effort and the care you put into it, and in promoting something you loved and wanted to share, was erased. It’s garbage.

I empathize with you being burned for loving something, but this is an absurd thing to say. If you removed every piece of content from youtube that was a reaction video, a review that involved clips of copyrighted material or straight up clips of copyrighted material, there would still be enough product reviews,

I’ve only played Lifeweaver in arcade modes, so this is largely based on what other players have done while I’ve been teamed up with them.