
I’ve actually never hit tier 5! I’ve been at tier 4 for months.

Either that or no one was buying them in the first place.

I actually didn’t know that. That tracks.

When you’re on a team that wants to keep the healer alive, playing support is one of the most satisfying and fun experiences in the game.

This has absolutely nothing to do with the conversation, but mine does.

Yeah, I’ve been checking the 3DS eShop semi-daily for anything, and it seems Capcom is the only one putting anything on sale. Their entire library hits $4.99 every other week, but no one else is biting.

The game itself, from a core gameplay standpoint, is fine. Better than fine, actually. It’s really fun. Where the disappointment comes in is new content. I can hop on for a couple hours and enjoy competitive or quick play as usual, but when it comes to new cosmetics, modes, events and earnable items, the game is sorely

(I’m sorry, Signalis. I promise I’ll play you one day.)

I really wouldn’t know. I know Fortnite is a much bigger game than what I get out of it, but I have fun jumping in from time to time with friends who play it more than I do. The Zero Build mode is sort of a comfort food where I don’t have to take it seriously and get to be Darth Vader or Sarah Connor or Daredevil,

Yeah, the Playstation blog makes no mention of “Remastered,” which would be in the official title, so I think that’s a safe bet.

FOMO has definitely gotten me to purchase skins I otherwise wouldn’t and I hate it.

Is it the original LiS and LiS: Before the Storm, or the remastered version of each?

So, I don’t play LoL. Never have. But a similar thing happened in Gears 5's life cycle, where the trailers they released for each season were increasingly hyped by the community as they constantly showed new modes/maps/characters/skins, and we would sift through them with a fine toothed comb to find everything we

Pretty sure that’s a shoe joke.

Fire Emblem Warriors - $42 ($60)

Yeah. We parodied Gundam Wing happily for six years, but after we hit 20k subscribers on Youtube, Bandai Namco threw copyright bots at nine of our videos overnight and took our whole channel down.

In Code Veronica’s case specifically, I think that’s more a comment on how Capcom is straight up skipping RE:CV in favor of a RE4 remake, despite the fact that chronologically RE:CV should be next in line.

That is a pretty awful Photoshop job.

Forgive me if I’m wrong, but aren’t all purchases in the new OW2 system priced at -0 or -5 numbers? Doesn’t a 1 coin purchase mean you’ll always be 1 coin short of the round number needed to make a purchase?

By Microsoft’s own admission in this whole fiasco, the majority of CoD players are on Playstation. IIRC, the most recent CoD has a player base on PS4/5 of about 45%, while Xbox and PC are both under 30% each.