
I'd be okay with the plan I've got with AT&T right now (2 gigabytes per month for something like 30 bucks) if I got rollover data. Most months I barely break a gigabyte of data. But when I'm on a trip out of WiFi range a couple times a year I could really use the extra few gigs I've accumulated. But I'm sure AT&T

I clung to my unlimited data plan for dear life. Now I am the annoying person who is like, "What's your wifi password?" the second I walk into any place. But between my wifi and my work's wifi I seem to be able to keep my data usage down.

I am still morally opposed to it. Were I living in Salem, MA between the years of 1692 and 1693, I would make "molding a pat of batter into a beehive" one of the criteria for being labeled a witch.

It's just one of those things I won't ever understand, like which way to swipe my credit card.

a couple of Ativan that she activated with a glass of white wine (you know you have to activate those, right?)

Wow, this is a stunner. He has been woven into the fabric of my life since my childhood. My condolences to his friends, family, and fans.

"I was hanging upside down, and I looked and saw a blue scrub hat and yellow gown and heard this Russian accent. There was Robin Williams being some insane Russian doctor. I laughed, and I knew I was going to be all right."

It's like having the ultimate Mean Girl whispering in your ear all the time telling you you're worthless, that the world would be better off without you. But it lies. It lies more than any politician ever could. Depression is a fucking asshole.

Now playing

Robin Williams was a true treasure, and I'll miss him powerfully. Please, anyone reading this story who is struggling with feelings of depression or hopelessness, you're not alone and there are always people who can help you. The National Suicide Prevention Hotline can be reached at any hour at 1-800-273-8255.

I'm going to miss the shazbot out of that guy.

If a person's success in life can be measured by how many people they helped to keep going no matter what by bringing laughter to their hearts and reminding them of the sheer joy of living, then I have to say: hands down, Mr. Robin Williams, you won. Thank you for all the times you touched my heart and made me keep

Awful, terrble news. He struggled with depression & addiction for years. More proof that mental illness does not discriminate. He had the world's adoration, a loving family & resources far beyond what the average person has and still lost the battle. I hope that someday we treat mental illness as the devastating thing

O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done;

I fucking hate depression. I hate it.

"Second star to the right, and straight on 'til morning."

I love this. I have a degree in literature (woohoo homelessness), and I spent about half my life reading literature "classics," some of which I greatly enjoyed (Shakespearean tragedies/comedies, Handmaid's Tale, and Catcher in the Rye, to name a few), and some of which I loathed (the last third of Huck Finn, along

For me, casting Saldana is worse than not doing the movie at all. There is a clear message here: Upholding the laws of colorism is more important than telling this woman's story with any accuracy. This woman was too dark and too African-looking in life for some people, and she is still too dark and too

It's extremely ironic that they would choose Zoe Saldana to play Nina Simone. Nina was criticized for not fitting European standards of beauty, and the fact that someone would choose Zoe Saldana, a woman who meets the standard for racial minorities, just proves that society's perception of beauty hasn't progressed

Didn't anyone involved in this thing at least think of considering Uzo Aduba? She's the Nina Simone-iest looking person ever, and she's an actress. The stars were aligning here, people.