
It wouldn't surprise me if the long-term plan was for her to take over for Stewart. Every time they do a bit together you can see how much she cracks him up in a way not even Oliver ever did.

Vote #1 Aisha Tyler. For EVERYTHING.

I guess I am what you'd call a "gun nut". I couldn't fathom allowing my 10 year old fire a fully automatic weapon though. It saddens me that this happened to both families. I can't imagine what that little girl and the children of that man are going through. I hope the all heal.

Who puts an uzi into a 9 year old girl's hands?!?!?!?!

"...why I grieve, but why I don't despair..."

This ending is good, but the fact that it's good just makes me even more mad about how AWFUL the original one was. Like, just sooooo so bad. I used to watch How I Met Your Mother as kind of a background show while I was doing other things, because I've seen it so many times. I haven't been able to watch it once since

Yes I can deal with her dying because people die, but the whole I always wanted Robin but she didn't want kids so can I finally make my life complete now that your Mom's dead aspect was gross.

Seriously. Fuck the other ending.

It's a lot better. It's too perfect, but fuck it, after all of these years, it's good enough. It doesn't solve the cancer thing, but I'm just going to believe this ending is the real ending and it retconned all of those cancer scenes.

So, many of these young people are likely just coming to terms with their identity, their sexuality, their place in the world. I'm trying to imagine having to do that while living on the streets and trying to figure out where the hell their next meal will come from and where they'll sleep that night. The long term

If my parents weren't 7000 miles away, I would hug them.

you know what would be really nice? a free clinic that focused on sexual and reproductive help for low income people, or young people in need of a private, judgement free zone.

Hey, why do folks keep saying "this sounds like an Islamic State" thing when it's clearly a Christian State thing? the degree to which the US is better is, well, more of a matter of degree than anything.

Next on its agenda, the state of Texas will be prosecuting all those women who willfully miscarry and abandon potential fetuses every month by failing to be pregnant in the first place.

Don't forget financial! Of course there's no cost to making sure mom and kid are healthy throughout the pregnancy! NO SIRREE BOB

According to Alan Elliot of Baby Moses Dallas, the way to prevent miscarriage is simply by carrying the child to term.

"Possible fetus."

Translated: We're not even sure it's a fetus, but we're sure it's more important than an (almost) adult human woman.


So it's her fault that she miscarried in a toilet. Oh, I see. If only she could have controlled her womb to prevent the expulsion of this child!

freaking numnutz, how could she carry full term if she had a misscariage? ? For the love of science.

the mother could have avoided any criminal charges if she had taken advantage of Baby Moses laws by carrying the child to term...