
You meant a steak salad, right?

"And let's not forget SHe's main attraction: a catwalk where women in scanty clothing perform"

The problem is that the responsibilities that come with being a bridesmaid no longer involve just buying a dress and some shoes. I spent well over a grand to be in my friend's wedding. Granted, my kid was also in the wedding so I had to buy his clothes, but that amounted to like 1/10 of the total cost. I love my bff

Tell her the only way you will be in the wedding party is if you wear a dress of your own choice. If she can't handle it, no dice.

I want to agree with you, but the wedding I'm paying more than I can afford to stand up in next month won't let me.

I admit I don't have much personal experience in this respect, but isn't a woman normally asked to decide whether to be a bridesmaid before she has a final tally of what it's going to cost? And isn't that relevant information to factor into the decision as to whether you can and would like to accept the honor? If my

Since when do brides or their moms EVER pay for their bridesmaids' gowns? And, believe it or not, it's hard for people to say no when asked to be in a wedding of a good friend. Saying no can make you feel like you aren't being a good friend, so people say yes even if the wedding is going to be a hardship.

Is anyone else really disappointed that Topanga is a store owner? Wasn't she studying to be a lawyer in Boy Meets World? Not to knock actual small business owners, but I feel like Topanga's not living up to her potential. First she turns down an Ivy League to go to Podunk State U with Cory, and now this? There better

Bradley Cooper is a beautiful angel. That's not a flannel shirt; that's just his sex wings.

IDGAF if people use the HBO Go passwords of friends/family to watch their shows for free, but people don't have the right to complain about not getting a service they aren't paying for in the first place.

They were just illustrating that time is a flat circle. Duh.

I loved the first season of Veronica Mars, but wow, does this photo highlight the whole "we can have a female lead as long as she's surrounded by male sidekicks" trend, as seen on The Mindy Project and New Girl.


Thank you. These people are fucking nuts. Yeah, it "could be" anything—hey, maybe ghosts are possessing her body—but it sure as hell looks like a heroin nod. Also, the way the child is reacting makes it obvious she's used to caring for her mother in a strung out state, and that is beyond sad.

Now playing

Omg! That could be a SEIZURE! That could be NARCOLEPSY! She doesn't look like a heroin addict!

That's the bystander effect. It's the reason why I always assume no one else is going to call 911 or do anything about an emergency so I make sure I call.

I take the train everyday and ride the bus pretty frequently. I can assure you that people take public transportation strung out all the time.
Sometimes it's scary, it's usually just very sad.

Social worker PSA:

Two points;