
Hey Mr. Colbert,

Yeah, but does he recognize the white supremacist, capitalist, colonialist nature of that patriarchal hegemony?

I'm thinking he has.

"Gainsbourg's character begins to cry while having sex with Shia LaBeouf's penis, and then screams, "I CAN'T FEEL ANYTHING. I CAN'T FEEL ANYTHING. I CAN'T FEEL ANYTHING.""

Girlfriend had a lot of money in her bank account. Damn.

I read this this morning and realized that you can add up all the existentialist writings of the twentieth century and it still won't amount to one tenth of this story's distillation of what it means to be a lonely soul in a meaningless universe.

I think the other thing I'm certain of is that I want to be more neighborly.

Religion is a self-professed behavior. You are not born Christian, you are baptized into it. You were brought up in the religion of your parents and upon reaching adulthood, you had the choice to leave. You had the choice to continue going to church, to switch to another church of the same denomination, to convert, or

Agreed. As an ecig smoker, I am always discreet about it and would never publicly just puff away indoors - it seems so pompous and... just yuck. I usually sneak it in the bathroom. Even outdoors in public I'm shy about it because I guess I'm afraid of being judged as some lame wanna-be smoker gaylord. When in fact I

But those situations should be handled by the movie theatre putting a ban in place, like many have bans on mobile phones.

As a person who has actually watched this show for nine years, I have to say that I will be absolutely heartbroken if this turns out to be true.

Ok, so its not as funny as it used to be and yeah, Ted Mosby can be a little sappy and annoying although I still defend Ted.

Yeah, you may need to steal his DVR and tell him that HIMYM went to live on a farm upstate, with lots of other great shows to play with and room to run.

I keep up with this show because I want there to be SOME KIND of emotional payoff. I deal with it's casual racism, it's problematicness, and SO MANY OTHER THINGS because in the beginning, it was a funny and decent show.

I have watched this show religiously for 9 years. I am aware of this theory and have always dismissed it until last night. Worst idea EVER.

Maybe Ted talked her to death, Brenda Chenowith-style.

Also, quit talking about your sex life, especially when it involved someone so close to our family that I refer to her as Aunt Robin, Dad.

I had to warn my dad about this - he's been watching the show from the beginning, and even though he's pretty sick of it by now, he's a completionist. He's also a widower, and I think that, if it plays out this way, it could have hit him really hard.

This is the worst thing I've seen all day. If I've watched nine years of this (most condensed on to DVD marathons) for her to be dead, I will not be able to cope.