
Matthew Morrison has been tapped to play J.M. Barrie in a musical theater adaptation of Finding Neverland. Man, that guy's star kind of went nowhere, right?

dont bring miley into this- she was performing. nothing more

Listen Paula, you can do so much better than this scumbag. Keep walking away and don't look back. You didn't feel disrespected, you were disrespected. Thicke is a misogynistic creep. Do you want your son to grow up thinking it's okay to treat women like that?

These comments remind me of when Ledger was cast as the Joker. He'd great on Girls and, pending the actual story, will probably do well in this as well. I don't get the hate. Yeah, I know this is the internet, wah wah wah, but I loved when this site wasn't all about bringing others down. The last paragraph seems

He is my favorite part of Girls. Say what you will about the character and the show, but Adam Driver's a great character actor who's really able to fully sink into a part and make even weird oddballs seem fully human

Considering Driver doesn't have any outstanding domestic abuse charges against him, I'd say he's a better choice than Fassbender.

Alternately: "night cheese."

I'm going to use this article to say that my senator is awesome and encourage you to contact your possibly also awesome, perhaps mediocre or maybe utterly evil senators encouraging them to support her bill to remove the chain of command from sexual assult investigations within the military (using independent, trained

A view/rant from the prosecutor's side - material witness warrants are a necessity. This guy was accused of extremely serious crimes that he needs to be held accountable for. There is a massive amount of public interest in prosecuting these offences. If the crime or offender is serious enough and a key witness (victim

I ran what he said about Rob Lowe in a quick Baldwin > Sane People translator and I'm fairly sure it was really:

And somewhere in NYC, Tina Fey is so very relieved that 30 Rock is over, and she no longer has to juggle Tracy and Alec's bullshit parade.

Alec Baldwin is less sad if you imagine Jack Donaghy saying the things that come out of his mouth.

"I won't be in tomorrow, Lemon, I'm being subpoenaed by the Gay Department of Justice."

64% of those who picked Steve McQueen thought they meant this one

Kind of depends on your definition of popular. The crazy party person who doesn't care about grades but has lots of friends, yeah....this might be true. The smart, funny, beloved, academic and athletic over achiever, who has tons of friends, goals and motivation...this person will most likely continue to have a fun

You know what drives me nuts? When people say bullies have serious problems at home. I'd say my bullies were half and half. Half of them did sure. But the other? They all came from loving homes with decent parents and plenty of material possessions. And they all turned out okay too with spouses and children and

Speaking as a former unpopular kid, I've always thought "popular kids peak in high school" is a total myth. Now the really viciously mean kids in middle school I do believe probably ended badly, because they probably had some messed up stuff going on at home. But the kids who were outgoing, bright, and athletic?

I think she's totally aware and in control of what she's doing. It's working, everyone talks about her, records are selling, Itunes is buzzing, and her concerts sell out.

Yep, they have daily shows I believe. One advantage of having your store in a city chock full of highly trained but totally underemployed dancers.