
I haven't been able to watch the video yet, but how do people feel about her saying "I am gay" and all the news outlets saying "Ellen Page is a lesbian"? A lot of my friends are very specific as to the wording of their sexuality, and prefer gay to lesbian, and I feel a little weird about the wording switch in so many

Snow is nature's sweatpants:


Oh please, you bratty big city New York people always do this. Why don't you come to a rural small town in the Midwest and see what we deal with every single year? This isn't even a big deal.

I just started watching True Detective last night and oh my god you guys, OH MY GOD. Why did this Matthew McConaughey disappear for like a decade and a half after A Time to Kill to do rom-coms with Kate Hudson? He's so good!

The really alternative people chant "Duncan".


I second the rec for The Mindy Project.

Now playing

Obligatory posting of 6 minute tracking shot from True Detective. Spoilers yadda yadda

And for the snarky misanthrope, might I recommend:

Is it me or has Dohring been hitting the gym extra hard?

Oh man...he is looking gooooood. My roommate just giggled and went;

Yeah, I will file all your responses under "completely missed the entire point of the article."

Yeah, you lost me at "8:30 pace" in the first line of that workout. I'm one of the overweight people this article is targeted for. I do run already, and my running pace is almost 2x that. My husband lovingly teases me that what is running to me is walking or speedwalking to everyone else. I'm fat and have short

One of the biggest things that helps you get started, but is probably one of the harder things to do... Stop giving a shit about what other people think, whether its walking, running, jazzercising, elliptical, weights, etc. You should be doing it for your own health and not what anyone else says or thinks. Who cares

Focus On What You Can Do Right Now, Not On the Finish Line

As someone who was in this exact same situation, I can't recommend enough a Couch to 5k program. I never thought I'd be able to run a full mile without stopping or dying, let alone 3 but one of these programs really makes it possible. And I like that it gives you an excuse to go to for a run 3 times a week to stick

I am fighting breast cancer right now. I was lucky to "only" need a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy, along with 4 months of chemo and almost two of radiation. I'm sitting here with my bald chemo head and a fresh new collection of surgical scars - none of which are as dramatic as the ones in the picture. But

"Friends" bolted after she shared the pictures? Who the fuck does that? The internet blows my mind yet again.

Lori Gottlieb is America's undermining, passive-aggressive aunt, turning up at holidays and family baby showers to whisper about how our second cousin is separated because she put on so much weight after the twins, and her husband boned the nanny, and the high school valedictorian is having her eggs frozen because