
I can't believe he would even use the possibility that Mia was unfaithful to question her integrity when HE HAD AN AFFAIR WITH HER DAUGHTER

Appealing to logic is really the wrong way to go about this. Because logically, he did it.

...I found the idea so ludicrous I didn't give it a second thought.

His response sounds palpably bitchy to me.

Having never been accused of child molestation by any child, let along my own child, I can only speculate on how I would react. However, in my speculation it is incredibly unlikely that I would react by not giving it a second thought.

Also I thought it was strange that when accused of molesting one of his children, he didn't mention anything about how much he cares about his kids and how he would never do something like that...his response is basically just that Mia is crazy.

"Twenty-one years ago, when I first heard Mia Farrow had accused me of child molestation, I found the idea so ludicrous I didn't give it a second thought."

He keeps responding to Mia, as if Mia is accusing him, as if this is his word against Mia, and as if he could denigrate Mia enough these problems would go away.

My cousin and best friend, both of whom are personal trainers, have told me that if you are not in shape, you should work your way up to, not train to the point of getting sick and passing out. If you have trainers telling you that this is a healthy thing, you need to get new trainers.

I watched one episode of this show several years ago, saw a person working out so hard they threw up and nearly passed out, decided this bull hockey was dangerous and worth no one's time, and changed the channel. We can all change the channel.

As others have said, this woman who "played the game to its logical conclusion" finally laid bare the inherit fallacy of the show's core concept - that it's worth torturing yourself to lose weight, whatever the cost.

Honestly, while I dislike all of the faux concern and trolling that's going on because she is thin now, I do genuinely hope that this in some way is showing people that yes, there IS an unhealthy way to get thin. No, losing weight does NOT always equal getting healthier. That losing weight doesn't automatically mean

They don't ask men because they assume the wives and girlfriends are doing all of the work to help balance. They don't assume the reverse (or the hiring of help, for single women...or hell, couples do that, too) for boyfriends and husbands. It's sexist shit from all angles.

It isn't an assumption. Ms Farrow explained the reason for the valentine under oath during the custody trial.

Fairly sure you don't know what you're talking about, since Mia found out about the affair when Soon Yi was 19. Fairly sure you're being disgustingly disingenuous when you characterize Woody Allen and Soon Yi as "an older person dates a younger." Fairly sure you're gross.

I find it strange that Mia's apparent....instability is being used by some people to defend Woody Allen from Dylan's accusations.

If I'd just discovered my partner had been sleeping with my child, you better believe a sad/cryptic card wouldn't be the worst thing to happen.

Obviously, this is my own personal opinion, but if my partner for 12 years and the man I had 3 children with started an affair with my daughter from a previous marriage and essentially destroyed my family without much remorse, he would be lucky to only get this as his valentine.

Is this more fucked up than him having an affair with her daughter?

one month after discovering that her boyfriend of 12 years was having an affair with her 20-year-old daughter