
The MAM is gorgeous.

No cannonballers.

I’ve made my living with horses. If you don’t count the time, trouble, and expense of building it this design is competitive in terms of upkeep and performance with an eight horse team for hauling a heavy gun on 18th century roads.

No, Republicans (and Democrats)  are your fellow citizens who may disagree with you about some political issues. Calling people “nazi monsters” when they aren’t either of those things is not being a good American or a decent person.

There are some in Nashville.

Shall we call it T5?

No, thats when its a scrap car. Its old when he looks at it twice.

Thank you for this thoughtful and honest article.

You must have ruminanted a long time about those puns, but Ill horn in and say that the dealership people should have tried to flank their visitor. Good thing the market saved them the trouble of having t0 filet claim.  Oh wait this is England- they had better have a big showroom, the publicity will filet up. 

FCA can sure find me to try to sell me a new one, 10 years after I bought mine.

Inhale enough and its both.

New Wranglers all come with the rear view mirrors installed upside down.

Car Buyer = Final Quality Control Specialist

You made me laugh, thank you. Thats the difference between a technical weld specialist and a weld specialist.

Big deal. My 94 year old great grandfather fell and broke his hip. When he came out of the hospital the City had taken possession of and destroyed his HOUSE. Granted, he had refused to pay his taxes for years, but damn.

Were 20,000 billion in debt, as a country, by our own command. You think were worried about the repo man?

Good. No more subsidies.

You make my point, thank you.

It would never ave flown without Isaac Newton . And as he said, we stand on the shoulders of giants.