
Me too, I’m 125 miles north.

Yes, that information changes my choice, IF what you want is a truly unique off road truck. NP if you’re that market.

If it had an LS V8, a 6 speed, and those back 4 wheels had power and non-chirping differentials, I would buy it today.

Now playing

Releasing this cover absolutely killed The Alice Band, who had a bunch of lovely little songs first. Their version-

Why are you sex-worker shaming? If they want to get in the car for the right price, it’s their right!

Yes seriously.

Can’t nine year olds just be nine, and skip the political stuff for a few years?

I wood agree, but there’s a seed of doubt. If she’d clear out the trash I’d be rooting for her, however the general appearance suggests she’s a nut. 

Unlike all the psychologists and psychiatrists whose opinions about the President’s condition are being gushed over here lately, the arborist at least actually examined the tree.

They aren’t all that opulent. Most English train freaks are about like American ones- retired, of the factory worker or schoolteacher class. They will club together, usually trade a more practical used locomotive for one or two steam ones. You’re talking about the price of a couple or three Cadillacs, plus transport.

Embargo my foot. Mexico has always traded with Cuba just fine and I’ve never noticed any U. S. origin markings on drugs there. Same for Canada and all the European countries.

Now playing

Also consider that you might have not the slightest idea what someone else’s perspective is.

You’d better kick on. That’s 20 years old, a lot of the steam trains are gone- many bought and shipped to European collectors.

I never heard of this program! Thank you!

Medicines? Hygiene products? What about that great health care?

I drive by the Saturn V and the other rockets at HSRC every week. It’s like driving past Magellan’s fleet.

Bloody hell it’s going to be right beside our hunting country!!!

I am! And I have a 4-way wrench in the Jeep. I’ve used it for this purpose twice.

NP to my eye, if it would go 75 I’d buy it today assuming it’s as described.

It seems like I’ve heard something like this before,