Stumbling Casserole Vagrant

I saw them live in June and they had a touring guy (who didn’t really fit in with the band’s look) as second and sometimes third guitarist, and they sounded like the same old wonderful live Mogwai.

Here we are again folks. This week I finished off my Uncharted no aim blindfire-only odyssey, Untargeted, and let’s see if I can put in a link to it instead of embedding an obtrusive video: HERE 

My eyes! The kinja goggles do nothing!

From memory the Jaal romance hadn't been patched in yet when I played it. For potential humor, I attempted to romance Gil with my clown Ryder, but stuffed it up somehow and ended up shacking up with Asari Carrie Bradshaw, with Ryder acting sort of like a latter season Mr Big, except, you know, looking like Ronald

Late October, probably.

It's an informal colloquialism used to reference the promotion of something, often used for describing something like some clothes horse standing outside of a wholesale retailer with a megaphone attempting to sell their poor quality cheap products to passers-by with the power of questionable charisma and loud volume.

Thanks for watching! When I completed a melee-only run of the series last year, in the interests of self-promotion I sent my work through to ND but they wisely ignored me. Probably don't want their extremely violent works linked with extreme violence. My Last Of Us hug-everyone playthrough will surely get me the

Well folks, I've been popping by here the last couple of Fridays spruiking my Uncharted headshot-only playthrough and you know what? This is the last time. It's done. All four Uncharted games are signed, sealed and delivered in the form of bullets to the heads for thousands of goons and assorted supernatural creatures.

I have no idea what either of those things are but that's pretty good, probably!

I am terrible at The Last Of Us, and hardly got through it twice on Normal. The Uncharted games are a joyful romp for me, but The Last Of Us is sadly a bit of a slog (I know this opinion is Wrong but that's just how it is), can't see myself ever trying the harder difficulties if I ever bother playing it again.

This weekend I'll still be headshotting my way through UNCHARTHEAD, my headshot-only playthrough of the Uncharted series. People say it's impossible, but those people don't have a flexible set of rules that can be bent every time it suits me.

I finished up a couple of games lately so have been at a bit of a loose end. And you know what that means? You guessed it, another idiotic video game challenge run.

I've been playing me some of that XCOM 2 on the PS4. At this point in my game it looks like the aliens are going to win comfortably due to superior random numbers and a hell of an oppressive game loading time regime which strongly discourages the most effective weapon in my arsenal (save scumming). The big problem is

I picked up for cheaps the Middle-Earth Shadow of Mordor game out of morbid interest (or should that be Mordor interest? ha ha….kill me). Anyway, it seems like it's pretty much Sisyphus: The Game. Well, it would be if Sisyphus was a gruff hairy white muscle dude (probably!) who instead of pushing a boulder actually

And yet some beloved AV Club contributors love Event Horizon:

Peebee is awful, which is why I inflicted her nonsensical romance subplot on my Ryder who deserves to be punished: LINK.

Still plugging away at Andromeda, though I wonder if I only persist because of the small joy that comes from my idiotic Ryder customisation:

Holy shit, you're right, Andromeda is the Terra Nova of video games…

I've hardly progressed with the Andromeda single player because I seem to be stuck in an infinite loop of finding glyphs so I can scan these glyphs which leads to more finding glyphs to scan. Fuck scanning glyphs. I don't want to scan no glyphs! The only joy I've got so far was creating a character called Ronald Mc

I don't even recall using a scope, but Tesla also makes you that AC/DC converter that uses mercury or something which you have to play with to short electrical circuitry sometimes. But yeah, there are things like that lightning gun which pop up once or twice and the rest of the game is the usual guns we've seen a