Stumbling Casserole Vagrant

This week I have been in familiar territory, immersing myself in complete mediocrity. First up was Dear Esther, which was utterly pointless, and can only be made more interesting by one small addition - . Second was The Order 1886, which I thought I'd give a go just so I could have fun

After A Big Stew-Bum Family Christmas, I returned home and felt like murdering people, go figure. So of course I've been playing HITMAN, as I will continue to do so this weekend. And yesterday I was in a dumb mood and decided to beat the entire game using only the two explosive rubber ducks, which was surprisingly

As well as the reasons @AmaltheaElanor:disqus listed, I would recommend that you definitely play Uncharted 3 for possibly my favorite moment in the whole series: Drake's lone trek through the Rub 'al Khali desert.

Uncharted 2 multiplayer is my favorite multiplayer ever, I played for hundreds of hours in both competitive and cooperative, got to level 60 etc. It was pure and great fun and the map designs were brilliantly balanced. I didn't really like Uncharted 3 multiplayer much and played it a bit hoping it would click, though

I liked HITMAN because it gave me the freedom to indulge in the most ridiculous acts I could think of. Hitman consists of six maps spanning the globe, each containing the tools for Agent 47 to manipulate the hundreds of NPCs performing their actions like clockwork, all with the end goal of eliminating the

Pfft, the list is incomplete if it is missing HITMAN, easily the game I've played the most this year, and I will continue to play it well into next year as even more content is released.

I played Blood Money a few years ago when the HD trilogy was released on the PS3, and it is indeed a gem, one that I intend to revisit again soon. But the new one is the best Hitman so far I have to say, though I love Absolution so what the hell do I know?

This week has been all HITMAN and it's going to spill over into this weekend too.

Ah ha, I wondered why my Uncharted 2 senses were tingling.

It all comes down to tumblr being a terrible choice for what I'm doing, and also for what everybody else who is using it is doing.

Nobody knows the band The '94 Knicks? The wild, reckless defense of Charles Oakley? The knee-rattling pace of low-post Patrick Ewing? The incompetent jumpshot work of John Starks? Oh, man!

That's not a corpse pile explosion.

After Hitman is done I don't foresee me doing another series but you never know. There'll be the odd new thing here and there and maybe TW3 will get some attention, but surely it's been done to death by now?

Believe it or not, I thought about using that song but due to my policy I would need to have bought it and that's one tune I definitely don't want in my library, so went for something more whimsical instead. Sometimes I'll buy a song for putting in a video, and that's totally fine if the song happens to be amazing,

Now as a special treat, courtesy of our friends at the AV Club, please help yourselves to this tripe.

Yesterday I finally finished Rise Of The Tomb Raider: Lara Croft And The Story That Never Seems To Ever End and it was a surprising disappointment. On paper this game was the nearest thing to a slam dunk as possible for me, but the finished product was somehow kind of a slog (though it had its enjoyable moments,

Like everyone else, I love the source material, though I never bothered with this game because it wasn't one of the dozens of GTAs available on PS2, and that's all I played back then. I also bought Hitman games and never played them, but that's a whole other topic. This game adaptation sounds sort of interesting based

Well folks, the weekend is here again, which means it's time for my airing of video game grievances. This week in the firing line is Just Cause 3, which I finally gave up on after half a dozen or so hours of waiting for it to click. In fact, the only bit of joy that I got from the game happened in one of the first