In the past week I did this:
In the past week I did this:
*staggers onto AV Club beach in tattered loincloth*
I just finished up my third Red Dead Redemption playthrough. According to the trophies, I started this playthrough over 4 years ago, as I apparently tackled an Act every two years. And I’m sad to say that while only playing the main missions it’s clear that the game is looking rather old and tired, and not in a…
Violence isn’t the answer here, Matt.
“[Syndicate] inexplicably seems to prioritize the smarmy Jacob Frye over his significantly cooler twin sister Evie.”
If it does win I won’t be replaying it. I played the first half late last year when I got back from Rome just to wander the streets and see how things compared, but then my graphics card died so I abandoned the game (and all games on my PC, sadly). But will be sure to pop in to the discussion to be the ‘I’ve been to…
Less than 24 hours after I was here on ‘AV Games’ (why?) pretending to complain about not having the time to play a game where you kill the same damn enemies over and over again, here I am now, about to post about playing time consuming goon-killing games over and over. No consistency!
All I can say to that is welcome to Gameological! Wait a minute, what the hell is ‘AV Games?’ What happened to Gameological?
Does it have crafting? Every game needs to have crafting.
How about God of Chore? After all, it has side quests!
...across the game’s 30-some-odd hours...
Hey now, let’s not be like that please. I unironically love The Vines and will happily die on this hill if necessary. I even bought that White Shadows spin-off album, and instantly regretted it.
There’s always room for another Gameological Wall of Text. Here’s mine:
Last time I was around these parts I mentioned I’d be checking out Mafia 3. Well I checked it out, then I checked out. I’ll probably persevere with it occasionally but it’s not looking great. Dull and repetitive, and the bad kind of repetition at that.
I get here and there’s already four comments, four incredibly long-winded comments. No fair, I was going to submit an incredibly long-winded comment! Well, the gist of what I was going to say is holy shit it’s 2018 and where has my life gone. I can tell you where some of it has gone: playing rubbish video games. This…
Oh yeah, but just be aware that I was a big indoctrination theory guy - people can find hidden meanings (sometimes serious hidden meanings) in just about anything, especially if they’re trying to justify the time and effort they’ve sunken into something that turns out to be mostly unworthy.
Very kind of Matt to include my sleep-deprived ravings here. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy was my favourite game this year by far but Mass Effect Andromeda is such a wonderful clusterfuck that it’s much more fun to talk about. Any game that lets you create a ridiculous main character that helps you rise above the…
* Of course, I meant it’s 2017: The Game. Why would they need an edit button in Kinja? It’s funny, it’s been reported that some of Andromeda’s problems during development were due to EA pushing Bioware to use the Frostbite engine, an engine mostly unsuited to the game they were trying to make. The big bad ownership…
I liked Mass Effect Andromeda because it is the only game ever made that lets you lead humanity into the future it deserves while cosplaying as Ronald goddamn McDonald. Sure, Andromeda has a boring plot, characters who range between dull as dishwater and just plain terrible, uninteresting and unoriginal enemies,…
Man, that Q&A topic was right up my alley but I missed the discussion as it was posted in the middle of the night (for me) in a baffling games articles rush. Not that there was much discussion to be had, sadly, just comments mostly without replies. The discourse in the third iteration of Gameological has really fallen…