Stumbling Casserole Vagrant

The sequel could have Jack dying at the Somme and you can choose whether it is from stepping on a landmine while affected by mustard gas, from machine gun fire during a push, shot for desertion, or being run over by a tank.

A PC port of RDR would be a licence to print money and the only reason I can see that Rockstar hasn't done it is because they already have a Scrooge McDuck-style vault filled with cash which they all wallow in daily, so why bother if the vault is already overflowing? Rockstar, just farm out the work to some no name

Eh. Now if someone had recreated the Deadwood opening titles with Red Dead Redemption, then you'd have something.

The thing about Arsenal is, they always try and walk it in.

No, but funnily enough his drive does have a natural slice even though the guy hits the ball a mile. And with this being Australia, the driving range is next to a sheep paddock, so we called his slices 'sheep killers'. The sheep eventually decided to move as far away from the driving range fence as they could, but it

Alright, alright, you win. I see you've played paragony mediocrity-y before.

I was at the driving range with my brother last weekend, and I said to him on his first tee off "You have entered POWER DRIVE" and he just looked at me blankly.

Every time MGS4 is mentioned I feel compelled to link to my final thoughts on the thing:

You have done very well. Morinth's cameo in Mass Effect 3 is one of my favorites, and if there's something that makes you feel like more of an arsehole than shooting down Mordin and watching him drag himself across the floor, I'm yet to find it.

And that 14 year old boy who nobody liked grew up to be… Mark Wahlberg.


That's a bloody outrage, it is! I want to take this all the way to the Prime Minister.

It will fail because The Simpsons is (well, was) The Simpsons, whereas Modern Family is Modern Family.

Them's fighting words, Joshua Alston, Vegemite is fucking delicious. Disparaging Vegemite is a bootable offense.

Fluka! Did you know that there is now a sister series to Breaking Madden, named NBA Y2K? Well now you know.

Are you my wife?

Mate, the Māori people are so badass nobody would be 'borderline very stupid' to fuck with them. This (link) was done for a laugh. Once Were Warriors was their idea of a romantic comedy. Lovely people, though, but damn what a history.

THAILAND!!!! *poots, humps and fists*

Well I self-deleted my comment before you replied so no one will know what you're talking about. In Gameological Level 2, comment censors you! or whatever.

Edit ~ You know what, who cares.