Stumbling Casserole Vagrant

I am 100% in agreement with you, it has always baffled me too. I resisted getting a driver's licence for years because I never needed one, but eventually caved so people would shut the fuck up about me not having a licence. And you know what? Having that ability is a complete fucking hassle. Now I'm picking up people

You want to have my kids, Enkidum. You want to have my kids.

Nah, you're confused with the trailer for Goatse Simulator.

"Goat Simulator is a goat-themed open world game that re-imagines man’s place in the world vis-a-vis goats."

Cherry vanilla, ay? Actually, I would prefer fake cherry over real cherry. I'm all about the synthetic fruit flavors. Synthetic strawberry, synthetic banana, synthetic cherry, synthetic pineapple, synthetic orange… the list of delicious probably carcinogenic chemicals goes on. Much better than anything nature can

I would have preferred that the Digest ice cream had been consumed in cone form, then you could have both been suggestively licking ice cream cones through the whole thing, and I could have nightmares for the rest of my life.

It's not on the level of Alan Wake, and I was disappointed it didn't really add to the story much, but yeah it is pretty good. And it's a couple of bucks on Steam rather frequently.

I liked American Nightmare, but the repeating pattern thing wore out its welcome by the third time. Also, Kasabian soundtracking the same scene over and over. Still may reinstall it for another go after being done with Alan Wake. Just to revisit sexy scientist and sexy filmchick.

I'd support this. You know there really is room around here for a Reposted IGN or Reposted Gamespot gimmick, but I'd pity the poor soul who has to trawl through those comments. I know we had Reposted Kotaku comments, but they've disappeared lately (and I'm calling it - that one was probably Jackbert).

Gameological has scintillating comments, but football in the gamesacks has football in the gamesacks.

I figured they lounged around on those Roman couch things, being fanned with palm leaves and fed grapes by beautiful barely-clothed women. Perhaps that's what they had on offer over at The Dissolve.

Dark Souls 2 for me this weekend.

That discussion thread on Steam is great, it's fun figuring out stuff with like-minded folks.


You must be the only dude in the world whose wife is perfectly okay with their husband getting up in the middle of the night to write stuff on the internet about a game show.

Teti's Sajaky senses started tingling.

Do the flight lessons in San Andreas count as a tutorial for the purposes of this discussion? If so, fuck the flight lessons in San Andreas. If not, well, still fuck the flight lessons in San Andreas. And when you pass them all you then find they have little to no value for the rest of the game. I must have had a lot

Yeah, but you'll have bonus cred if you ever get into a Dark Souls one upmanship internet pissing match.

Dark Souls doesn't bother telling you in the tutorial that you can jump, which is a bit of a dick move when it is pretty much essential for finishing off Bed of Chaos. I noticed they point out the jump mechanic in the Dark Souls 2 tutorial though.

Sorcerer for me. Basic soul arrow seems stronger out of the gate than in DS1 but takes longer to cast. Starting sorcerer dagger is still shithouse, might as well not bother with it. I've made a huge mistake.