Stumbling Casserole Vagrant

"…for instance, jumping and running are no longer controlled by the same button."

I don't doubt it, but I tried many times and couldn't find a way to make it work.

Fine, I'll bite. The free sandwiches are a lie.

It'll never happen. For example, it depicts a partially-prosperous future Detroit, and Chinese prostitutes not living in squalor, so audiences won't be able to relate. But if it did get made, it might answer the question of where in Jensen's pants he keeps those giant tubs of energy food.

DXHR movie, stat! They can get guest directors to direct the boss fights so they don't fit in tone with the rest of the movie. It could be the Four Rooms of video game flicks.

I look forward to going and seeing this on opening day, watching it for a bit, then I will wander off and come back to it in 6 weeks hoping to care, and will finish the movie in small chunks over the next month because I feel I have to. And then, 6 months later, try to watch it again but only watch the opening titles

It all started with Howard, guy's got a lot to answer for.

Yeah. But it ain't right, damn it!

I'd like to donate my winnings to charity please. It is my dream that some sick orphan children can experience the wonder of firmly gripping a stud of their very own. Okay, that didn't come out right.

Now I want to get around to playing that copy of Morrowind I bought ages ago.

"I teach Japanese 15 year olds."

Whenever Civilization II is mentioned, it reminds me of a thing that was referenced by somebody on Gameological ages ago, the 10 year game that has produced a 'hellish nightmare of suffering and devastation':

To each his own of course. Not my cup of tea, but I can understand why people liked stuff like 'Chocolate'. The Madonna comparison is apt - just follows the trends and sometimes puts her own spin on things, but definitely not an innovator.

Palace of Porn? I thought they shut that place down!

I've never fully understood the Kylie love. Music? Crap. Arse? Well, if you like muscular midget arses in gold spandex, then sure. How exactly did she become an icon of the gay community? Another point on the music, her 'best' music, when she had that album with that Manic Street Preachers song, was also her biggest

Now look here, you drugged out communist. Nixon paid for his fat body and he'd no sooner return it than he would his little cocker spaniel dog, Checkers.

Tan Noxaf sounds like a Star Wars prequel bounty hunter.

And 'Nat Faxon' is clearly a made up fantasy name.

Looks like I picked the wrong article to stop sniffing glue.

Unfortunately Eff's home planet needed her.