Stumbling Casserole Vagrant

I was disappointed it didn't also come in pink 8 track, then I could listen to it in my car.

I tried to download it a couple of times yesterday and it didn't work and then I had used up all my downloads somehow.

As an Australian I'd like to thank the USA for taking Rebel Wilson off our hands. Unfortunately we have a no returns or refund policy, please read the terms and conditions under Sam Worthington sub-clause 3, though we would like Eric Bana back sometime if that's okay. Thank you.

Yeah, I didn't make myself clear in my initial comment. It's the people who wait for invaders and use shitty tactics that are the dicks. It's always pretty obvious when I encounter someone who isn't down for an invasion, and if I do beat them it's fairly bittersweet.

Oh I know, but on PC I've encountered some cool people. Last week I had a guy invade me twice. He used dual caestus, I used dual notched whips. We had these long epic battles where neither of us did much damage, it was lots of fun.

RIP Sgt. Kittenmitts.

Manus is very tough and I'll usually have a crack at him a couple of times before giving up (sorry, Dusk!). Kalameet is also very tough. I usually skip Kalameet to avoid the inevitable endless frustration. If you can get a summons he's manageable. Or you can attempt to take him on by yourself at Soul Level 1 and die

Dark Souls, always Dark Souls. Today I beat Artorias solo for the first time. May not sound like much but that guy is just too fast and constantly in your face to comfortably tackle alone.

Ah, little Kobe, always getting regular sized Kobe in trouble.

Was it fascinating for the fact that someone was willingly playing Mirror's Edge more than once?

16 foot giant's good fundamentals make up for his inability to dunk.

A lady? I call shenanigans.

As someone who hasn't tried to show an interest in NFL for a decade I clicked on the Pat McAfee link with trepidation, but my god that was one of the funniest random internet things I've read in ages. That clip of the last play of overtime was amazing. I lost it when it showed the opening kick off and it just kept

The user names of the 'people' liking that spambot are mighty suspicious. Have we got to the point where spambots are liking other spambots? Judgment day is just around the corner, isn't it?

The user names of the 'people' liking that spambot are mighty suspicious. Have we got to the point where spambots are liking other spambots? Judgment day is just around the corner, isn't it?

Ever the fashion conscious one, John has addressed this little nitpick before:

I would have liked to see a Benny Hill style chase sequence where John uses the cart to elude several overweight security personnel.

He's not on this list:

Yeah two sets of teeth are a bit off putting, but she's my wife so I gotta take what I can get.

Who doesn't like blowjobs while watching Alien? What the hell, caspian?