Stumbling Casserole Vagrant

I watched 2001 recently and it occurred to me during the Daisy Bell bit that HAL9000 is heavily influenced by The Pod-era Ween.

Are you still on your first playthrough? You were posting about beating Taurus Demon in the original AV Club review thread:

That is, or more accurately was, my old account. But alas I tried using that long jumble of numbers and letters to log in but it didn't work. Such are the mysterious buggy ways of Disqus. But thank you for trying to help!

The Stew Bum account hasn't yet made the transition but still exists somewhere in the ether and, to my knowledge, can be redeployed at a moments notice, but I dare not risk my excellent like-to-comment ratio with AV Club Upvotes which are thrown around willy nilly. On the comment approval exchange rate, the rareness

I 'm afraid I just Way of Blue myself.

God damn it Disqus, why do you have to make everything so difficult? Randomly deleting my AVC account wasn't enough, so then you give me problems creating a new one?