
This is Pawnee vs Eagleton all over again.

Fire Rescue added that they also found a ballot box with ~15,000 votes floating half a mile away.

This is by far the most common and short sighted argument that I see. Wringing hands worried about what the “other side” will think or do.

Revolutions aren’t generally polite.

Despite Because of its disgusting connotations, “free helicopter rides” has become quite a meme online for people who support President Trump and his neo-fascist policies.

I just feel fucking terrible generally.

Susan Collins should’ve had to make that condescending, trashfire speech to Dr. Ford’s face.

Ford spoke out for nothing. That’s what she was worried about all along: That she would re-live her trauma and ruin her life for nothing.

If Maine doesn’t vote out this attention-seeking sack of shit, shaped like a woman, we should vote them out. 

As for the future of abortion rights, Collins argued that Kavanaugh promised her that he would respect Roe v. Wade as settled precedent.

I feel fucking terrible for Dr. Blasey Ford.

Sometimes I’m perplexed by Jezebel’s naive and unilateral beliefs about porn in the first place. 

But but its her “choice”so it must be feminist. You are just kink/body/sex etc. shaming. And you probably have vanilla sex sex too. Because don’t you know jez is a cool girl?

This is not something to be celebrated. She’s not any kind of “empowered woman breaking barriers” in her industry. Rather, she’s exploiting the fact that she’s a woman as some sort of palliative to sell this otherwise unmarketably exploitive trash, which, while it evidently has a market, doesn’t make it any more worth

Why is it always the ones you most expect?

that would require courage

How is this even possible? How can they all not stand up and leave. Jesus.

Completely agree about Tara.


Sanity prevails.

a decent apology but I’m still a little...