
Not just surprised, but a little worried.

I don't think the Batmobile itself was as much of a problem as the effects including it had on the rest of the game. Asylum had excellent level design, especially in the sneaking around sections. City and Origins had to sacrifice some of that sensibility in favor of the open world, but still had enough sense to keep a

Not Forrest Trump: the story of a man who has a major impact on American history despite being a complete shitbag?

The film itself not being good. As in it wasn't just a poorly edited trailer.

So it could be… three things?

The MRA morons insisted this was all about them, so pop culture writers obliged.

Can't think of any examples, but I'm not sure why you would pick Majora's Mask, as the 3-day time limit overshadows any potential feeling of slow-pace or exploration. I'd more describe it as "decentralized," if anything, and highlight Wind Waker as the most relaxing, free-roaming LoZ.

…apart from the aforementioned impaling.

Yeah, I'm with you. I'm not opposed to the idea of her trying to go back to her old ways but inadvertently becoming a more empathetic person, but we haven't seen enough of Russ to know why they're even a couple. It's got to be something more than her just feeling bad for him.

I didn't mind the cheap look as much as the bad design. Cartoon Kimmy looked absolutely nothing like Ellie Kemper.

Stoopid geniouses need the MOST attention!

I too had to vote for The Boss. One of the first decisions in the game is whether to punch an obstructionist Congressman in the head or the dick. How could I vote otherwise?

I felt that way for the first couple episodes, but I think I was just mixing up comparatively similar voices with comparatively similar personalities. Once I got used to who was who, I changed my mind.

"Denial Twist" and "Instinct Blues" are two of their best songs for sure, but the album still makes for a very inconsistent whole. Personally, I flat out don't like "The Nurse" or "Little Ghost."

Aww, thanks… but I can't take credit. I'm paraphrasing Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.

Prince was a too-late-in-life discovery for this child born in the mid-'80s, a pop artist who made music that transcended pop, the creator of at least one of my desert island albums (depending on how many I'm allowed to take), possibly the only all-time great guitarist that you don't think of first and foremost as a

Real Hitler isn't even one of the top five Hitlers.

Maybe he got bored and switched to The Incredibles halfway through. That helps explain the Secret Success.

This might require even more finesse, but I feel like it is possible to make a compromise work. There's no reason you couldn't have a Cronenberg-like discovery of their freakish powers give way to a kind of black comedy in the middle. It doesn't have to be as silly as Tim Story's take, but a little levity goes a long