
"Snyder’s widely derided 2009 adaptation of the canonical graphic novel Watchmen gets rightly criticized for missing the nuances of the book, but it doesn’t get enough credit for its fight scenes, which are really something."

Ever listen to the podcast Blank Check? It focuses on when directors enter the "do whatever they want for better or worse" stage of their careers.

I agree the reaction to that one was overblown, but this episode was half trash.

Came here specifically to see if anyone else was complaining about this. The mix was waaay off, to the point of my wondering if something was wrong with my TV's settings.

There was a moment when Merle was handing out gifts where Griffin explicitly asked for the scene to play out in character. I realized that's been largely missing from The Stolen Century. A lot of exposition and a lot of Justin, Travis, and Clint explaining what they want to do big picture, but not nearly enough actual

My favorite:
"I read that in a book once."
"Are you sure it was a book? Are you sure it wasn't… nothing?"
"Oh, right."

America's Next Top Model. I don't even know if it's still running, but there are about a dozen old seasons on Amazon Prime and it's a recent go-to comfort food. Tyra is a lunatic and they are downright cruel to the contestants at times, but I'm a sucker for any reality show competition that allows me to have an

Video game rights aren't necessarily tied up with film rights, so Marvel could still theoretically slip some mutants in a game. Unless of course Disney doesn't want to promote Fox films, which they wouldn't.

She's a big fan of the first 15 minutes of Bioshock Infinite.

I liked Stardew Valley because it gave me positive feedback for forward progress. And it's all forward progress. I don't think I've ever encountered a more charming Skinner box than Stardew. It rewards work but never punishes you for laziness. Nothing is essential, but anything is possible. Any goal you set, from

That's my situation too, which makes travelling from the west coast back east to see family much easier than its been any other year I've lived here.

Finnish, right?

I have no idea why this "debate" is a thing. The joke works because Homer gives a ridiculous, unexpected answer to a ridiculous rhetorical question. Trying to figure out meaning is pointless, because the joke doesn't require require any interpretation.

Idris Elba and Tom Hardy?

Everybody was a baby once, Arthur. Oh, sure, maybe not today, or even yesterday. But once. Babies, chum: tiny, dimpled, fleshy mirrors of our us-ness, that we parents hurl into the future, like leathery footballs of hope. And you've got to get a good spiral on that baby, or evil will make an interception.

6'3"? I didn't know they stacked shit that high.

For everyone sensible enough to not squabble over exact positioning of one thing ranked over/under another, this is a pretty good list.

Got around to seeing Finding Dory over the weekend. I enjoyed it. Probably not must-see Pixar, but it wasn't totally a "Here we go again!" sequel, which is all I really needed. Ed O'Neill as a cranky octopus stole the show, mostly in terms of creative animation/movement. I just wish his character arch had a little

It's a fucked up world when I'm finding myself thinking, "Won't someone think of the businesses?"

I'm shocked by the lack of beard.