
I'll agree with you about Ang Lee's Hulk, which had some bad ideas, but it did have some ideas. Can't say the same about BvS though. Did it have ambition? Absolutely. Did it have stakes? Yes, but the motivations behind them were horribly muddled. But did it have visual flair? Not at all. Personally, I thought it was

Admittedly I haven't seen FF, but I did see Chronicle, and that movie DID understand that having superpowers can at least be initially fun. How did none of that make it through to this movie?

I'm not disagreeing with you, but I can't help but think if Super Mario 64 was a failure, we'd be talking about how they tried to build a game around a new gimmick that fans don't care about.

No trick. We just started with Raiders. She thought it was a bit cheesy at times, just still enjoyed it.

It's fine that Charlie isn't special because he's the audience surrogate. He's the "It could happen to me!" character. You don't have to spend a lot of time with him, you just have to see the story through his eyes.

I'd never say "great." I mean, the performance is definitely a choice. He knows what he's doing, and he's successful at what he's trying to accomplish. I just disagree with the choice.

I was pretty excited when I learned my (now) wife hadn't ever watched Indiana Jones, because that meant I could show it to her. Everyone has to watch something for the first time.

I don't have too much of a problem with Knight, I just hated that there were so few enclosed areas. The skulking around was the most fun part of the series, but Knight always leaned toward hitting hard and fast.

Agreed 100%. And you said it more concisely than I probably would.

Well, that doesn't seem like a fair comparison. The JC2 demo is one of the best of all time.

Jumping ahead to Arkham Knight, the level design gets even worse. It's the curse of open-world, I guess.

I finally completed an All Zones run in Crypt of the Necrodancer. Hooray! Definitely one of the most addictive impulse purchases I've ever made.

Leto as Danson, Franco as Selleck, and Shia as Gutenberg?

Speaking of dreaming big… I'll be in my bunk.

"If the purple ooze could turn humans into animals, it could turn us (dramatic pause) into humans."

Conversely, VIII's greatest strength is the quality of the sound, especially compared to VII, which has terrific compositions but a sometimes kind of tinny sound to it.

That's exactly my point. It's a perfect fit!

Comparing an unengaging action movie to "watching someone else play a video game" is such a film review trope, I think critics should all just agree right now to unanimously share the headline for this review.

Really? I feel like the majority of Animaniacs' references were much older. And I don't just mean the repurposed Marx Brothers bits.

Right. The action scenes in The Rock are far and away Bay's most coherent. The cars in the chase scene don't look exactly like each other. The shootout where all the SEALs or Marines or whatever get killed is staged so that you have a clear sense of why they were at a disadvantage. Even with the silly furnace shooting