Maybe stop demanding 40 bucks for a fucking t-shirt or tank, maybe that’ll fix it, Lane Bryant. Rich people shop elsewhere, and it isn’t like your clothes are made in the US, anyway, so fuck your prices, and also your everything else.
Maybe stop demanding 40 bucks for a fucking t-shirt or tank, maybe that’ll fix it, Lane Bryant. Rich people shop elsewhere, and it isn’t like your clothes are made in the US, anyway, so fuck your prices, and also your everything else.
If anyone’s curious why Mr. Wells starts off his statement with “Every time this happens,” well, let’s just say he has a long and sordid history of this kind of behavior. Specifically, he was the guy that made so much noise over Jennifer Lawrence being “too big” for The Hunger Games, and said that readers should…
I attended the Tin House workshop that Claire Vaye Watkins read this essay at for the first time.
She’s being replaced by Mallory Ortberg though, so this is actually good news.
Problem with healthcare, with the disappearing middle class, unsubsidized child care which can lead to compromises for something you can afford...
Ok, this is ridiculous. Would everyone be more supportive if these students were at Mizzou instead of Yale? Your biases are showing.
I’m just going to copy paste what I said somewhere else - No one should tolerate being treated as a second class citizen just because they happen to have made it to what is perceived as a great place. This whole “you should be grateful for what you have” argument has limits.
This is brilliant Clover. Read it twice and it’s doing loops in my mind.
During the week of Halloween, Yale University’s Intercultural Affairs Council sent a campus-wide memo, appealing for…
I was thinking that my most embarrassing time was a high school political science class. We’d gotten into an argument over ... I don’t even remember what, now, the death penalty or gender equality or something. 30+ kids in the class and a grand total of 4 of us were on the liberal side of the spectrum. So here I am,…
On a commuter train home. I was reading the final book in a series I loved and it seemed as if the beloved main character was dead. I was legit sobbing. Don’t judge me, I get really attached to book characters.
You could actually click the link provided in the article and read the abstract to see whether the study actually supports the headline (which, incidentally, uses the words “purport” and “tends,” which are pretty big qualifiers). Or, probably, you could just lob an unfounded accusation at the author before bothering…
Hey man.
Everybody pukes.
Everybody cries.
Everybody puuuuuukes.
Can we stop with the whole “ur doin it to urself” thing please? Sure, there are probably upwards of several hundred couples in Manhattan who are both employed, with young children, who have attempted to craft a Halloween costume out of mason jars and pallets, but that really isn’t life for most of us (admittedly…
My dad’s dad died at 37 (The age I am now) of brain cancer. My mom’s dad died at 47 of a heart attack. Dad was 12. Mom was 19. Maybe they would have been alive if the technology was better than it was in 1959 and 1972. Maybe not. None of us are promised tomorrow. A friend of mine died at 29 of a pulmonary embolism.…
I remember having that debate in high school. It was like-bitch, I’m a member of the Menominee Indian Tribe and I know what I’m talking about. I think I “won” by telling her “than why don’t I feel honored” and dramatically walking again.
Calling protests counterproductive is having a very narrow view on this. The protests represent more than just against Trump. These protests can be used as a call to action. The loud “fuck you” heard after the rapist and murderers comment was because people are no longer taking this lying down. It may be…
Trump may be a joke but he’s a dangerous fucking one.
Can evo-psych just stop being a thing already?