Petty Betty

Yeah, my wife gets this, I’m gettin’ it so hard. Social distancing only goes so far; if anything, we hug and cuddle now more than before, ‘cause all this shit is too stressful to run at it alone.

Was literally expecting to read, “Um, it’s Idris Elba.” :D

Seriously, Oprah was like, “Steadman! Warm up the jet, we’re going to London. Idris needs some Mucinex. And get me that chicken soup recipe from the October 2015 issue of O Magazine!”

She also directly addressed any concerns or questions fans had in regard to her decision not to self-isolate from her husband.

I came to the comments for the Kid Rock reference, and I was not disappointed 

including music by Afrobeat trailblazer Fela


white women tears know no shame.

and to top it all off that bitch starts crying at the end. after she started all this shit. white women tears know no shame.

It’s seriously rich to bitch about someone else’s “beat-up” car after YOU beat up their car!

Sad, but I understand.

Meanwhile, across the pond

I have a very simple solution for engaging with white people: Guilty until proven innocent.

Assume for a moment that racism is “a thing of the past” for some of us white people. Some of us are trying hard, so further assume that half of us have succeeded at least somewhat, and a quarter mostly have the sense to hide their primitive mental disorders from public view. That would mean a random Black person

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, and also to avoid higher insurance deductibles, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"

Just let him meet Trump’s cabinet and shake all their hands as his sentence.

Don’t you know? All white men are responsible gun owners because they’re proud Americans who uphold the Constitution. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I must be getting back to my home planet. 

Hit and run. Threat with firearm. Hate crime.

white trash is so stupid when it comes to car accidents.

i backed into a car last november. the car was beat to shit, it had no horn (which would have alerted me, even though i know i’m still at fault). the owner was clueless where his insurance information was or what to do in an accident.

“do you have insurance?” i

he’s one of the responsible gun owners, right?