Petty Betty

She even started outing her other racist friends. 

Cut the crap. You compared what happens in high school to something that rarely happens if at all in college and you trotted it out when all the guy did was sit in his seat as if high school students acting crazy justified what happened to him.

Funny you didn’t run to post videos of minority high school students fighting in school for this white racist homophobic college student showing his ass and attacking elderly people on campus like you did for the black college student who was just sitting and doing nothing when he was escorted out by police.

Actually yes I do know what transpired because I searched for additional sources and nothing at all happened between the teacher and student directly before this happened nor in the past. The other students came to his defense and a lot of information and proof has come out that this teacher has a history of being casu

You are just saying anything at this point trying to defend and rationalize this behavior. First you drop unrelated videos of random high school kids that is in no way comparable to this situation. Now you’re basically saying that the school had no other option than to get the police involved. Never once do you

You’re still not making any sense. If the teacher had altercations with him before he could have easily put him out of the class a long time ago or had him put out of the school. He engaged with the student and escalated a situation that he alone created

Yep every incident is exactly the same and everybody will behave exactly the same. Yep Benson acted exactly like these students. Oh he didn’t? Not sure why you posted these unrelated videos Choke. 

I don’t know a damn thing about guns but even I know you don’t share the serial number to anything you own with the public. 

So you’ve shopped for it before and it comes in one color “black as hell”?

The medical examiner stating he was either on his back or bent over when he was shot isn’t helping the defense claims that he was advancing towards her when he was shot.

I would think that he would have ended the interview immediately instead of attempting to answer the questions if he had an agreement that this wouldn’t be discussed. 

Hoping DMX has found a way to stay healthy and keep his addictions at bay. I would love to hear new music from him.

Shooting 6 cops may go a long way to help him though.

Since when did working for the NFL mean you’ve secured your seat at the table? If that was the case then kneeling never would have been an issue and Kaep wouldn’t have been black balled.

The name “Cracker Barrel” may not be racist but the company has been investigated by the US Justice Department and were found in violation of the Civil Rights Act. They also had to pay out a separate $2 mil settlement for racism and sexual harassment.

Yeah he is only a victim of that first punch that wasn’t shown in this clip. Anything after that he brought on himself. He should have left because security had Junior and the rest of the cast separated from him. A couple of the women were the only ones able to get close to him but couldn’t really touch him. Once he

It wasn’t really a sucker punch, but Junior did hit his ass first. Also with the crap Junior did when they were in Jamaica, he is definitely not the chillest dude in the crew. When he is sober he is chill, but drunk Junior is out of control. Him and Ryan are the coolest on the show but that man is a powder keg when he

Reminds me of Columbus Short and Scandal.

It’s so obvious, I’m not sure how they could fuck up the description.

Damn I really liked him as an actor. Glad they finally did the right thing so his co-stars feel safe. It still took way too long.