Petty Betty

When trying to show people your Michael Rapaport impersonation goes wrong.

Not to mention the fact that the metro worker is more than likely going to clean up after herself and make sure she doesn’t leave any trash on the train. I’m sure a main part of the reason eating was banned on the train was due to the public leaving loads of trash behind and not throwing it away once they got on the

He may not have been capable of watching his own child either. When CPS initially took custody of the children she wasn’t placed in her biological father’s care then so something leads me to believe he might have been unfit too or signed away his rights long ago.

Black people can be racist against other black people dumb ass. A black person definitely knows the code words and dog whistles that can be used to get folks to start looking deep off into your shit. In an effort to save face and get paid it’s not far fetched to think this woman wouldn’t pull some bullshit to cover

Source? Show me one case where someone who reads here did something violent against a white person.

Yawn. Yeah yeah what the fuck ever. Most black people labeling all white folks as racist has no effect or repercussions on the white people they label that way. Any comment you read from a black person that dislikes white people has no affect on your life. Black people aren’t knocking at any white person’s door, hand

In the CPS case, the mom was suspected of physically abusing the child and not the stepdad. 

She does say she’s sorry but she still mentions her job more than anything. 19 times before she even apologizes to him. Her finally apologizing does not change the fact that she seems more concerned about her job than the actual man she shot.

Why does there always have to be some comparison to someone else? How come this black woman who made the policy can’t look at the clothing of parents coming into her school and ask the ones who look unkempt and bad to do better?

All the mother had to do was go home and change clothes. She looked a hot damn mess. The T-shirt dress she claimed she had on was actually just a big t-shirt that barely covered her ass.

He blocked her in the bathroom and wouldn’t let her leave. That’s holding someone hostage. If anyone is trying to force you to stay some where you don’t want to be, you have the right to defend yourself to escape the situation.

I assumed she must have meant they actually had anal sex.

Straight facts. A cop is a cop and race doesn’t factor in at all when discussing the bullshit they perpetrate against minorities. 

It’s crazy. I always see some of the worst people ungreyed on here but I’ve been commenting for over a year and I am still in the greys. I still come back though.

How am I caping for a cold blood killer by acknowledging the facts of the case? I haven’t even stated my opinion on it. You have no idea whether the guy was actually guilty or not. There was no direct evidence, DNA or anything tying him to the case at all. It doesn’t at least make you question the possibility that the

So you went dug up an article that is 8 years old and we’re supposed to believe this old article is more pertinent and current than the Utah Supreme Court decision made on March 21 of this year?

In some jurisdictions, oral sex is also considered sodomy. I am not sure if that is the case here though.  

Yawn. You tried but this is obviously a troll comment.

Where can I get this shirt?

Winston’s doppelganger is Ted from Black Ink NY