Petty Betty

So many of them pretending to be black too. It’s sickening. I don’t understand how people who hate black people so much spend all day trolling in black spaces. The only way it makes sense is that they must be so insanely jealous they can’t help themselves. 

Jussie Smollet didn’t create Empire, Lee Daniels and Danny Strong did. Had it been Daniels or Strong with the bullshit then it would be cancelled.

Wow, now I can’t unsee it.

Went to his instagram and now I’m stuck. His looks are giving me inspiration. 

Pushing an 11 year old into a locker sounds pretty abusive to me. 

He could be a douche bag asshole, it still doesn’t justify what happened to him. Where does this idea come from that if you’re not a perfect person or “fine individual” it’s ok for an officer to violate your civil rights and kill you as you are walking away from them? Laquan still deserved his time on earth. Arresting

No one claimed it wasn’t the most watched show on the planet. The claim is that the ratings dropped and it was the least watched Superbowl in a decade, which is true.

She has a somewhat recurring role on Empire.

Bullshit. About 40% of the people who watch Empire are non-black. White people know who Jamal Lyon is when they see him whether they know his real name or not since they are watching the show. At least google the info before you make the claim. The show has lasted this long for a reason.

Described Roman Polanksi raping a child as “not rape-rape.

He didn’t decide to perform a citizens arrest until after she started beating another woman with an umbrella and kicking her. 

Sick ass bastard. They need to quit it with all that “family man” ish. Every one of these sick fucks is a normal seeming person until they get busted and all their skeletons come tumbling out. He has probably raped her and others many times. 

This sounds like you a song you would hear on Lee Daniels “Star”.

Did it get completely buried in this story that the opposing team stayed in the locker room for the national anthem?

I don’t know if she could have pulled it off but I always saw Garcelle Beauvais in my head when I thought of what Storm should look like. I would have preferred her over Halle Berry.

That’s not his wife and kid.

When I ask for a pic of that salami, my man better send it. As long as it’s an established relationship of trust, a little picture swap isn’t a crime.

That person has been trolling on these threads since yesterday. 

This shit gets so tiring. I just read about a restaurant manager who threw a chair at a black teen because another black guy allegedly came in and robbed them two weeks before. There are no police record of him being robbed and he hadn’t reported it to store owners but because of something another black person

“Yes, these allegations are horrific but they are just allegations. Take down the music when he is found guilty in a court of law and not public opinion or trending topics on social media.”