Petty Betty

Perfect, not even noon where I am and we’ve got great value eight mile Mekhi Phifer on some “Kill de white people,” bs and someone letting trolls comment unfettered. That’s enough internet for today.

But...Whiggly is also a trollfuck. This is common knowledge, right?

Choke on a dick, troll that inexplicably isn’t banned yet.

How about you stop taking this fucking trollfuck out of the grays?

Interesting that this is the first time you’re posting here. You’re not new to these parts yet this is the first time you’ve been moved to post here yet all the stories of Black people being abused didn’t move you to comment.

It has already started, see that comment by our resident known troll already. Who ungreyed that asshole anyway?

Who the FUCK is praising this fool?!?!?

Cant wait for the alt right to bring this story up every other sentence.

I want to know if he was called or if he was invited beforehand.

You almost wish for the 60s when it was just blatant. Now it is “legal” intimidation because they don’t want to hear you speak the truth.  It ain’t a good feeling either, because I’ve been there. And did I care at the time? Hell no and still don’t which is why the little town council here doesn’t mess with me. 

Racism is like religion.

Dude it’s not airtight in literally any profession. I maintain and work on historic homes but will work on newer ones when work is lean. I run into contractors of all kinds and if I’m working on a home owned by a POC I will see shoddy work and comments about why it’s shoddy. (This relates to what I call the Secret

“How can I be racist? We had slaves!”

I mean it takes a certain amount of gall to claim that you’re not racist because your family employs black farmhands. That’s just a level of self-delusion that’s comparable to saying “I can’t be racist because my great-great-grandpappy used to fuck his black slaves, er, farmhands”.

The Board is required by law to maintain order and security at all public meetings. We respect the right of the public to speak at meetings during the public comment portion of the agenda...There was threatening behavior and language observed and overheard at our meetings and such behavior cannot be tolerated and

“he felt comfortable around black people because he grew up on a dairy farm where his family employed four black families.”

Teacher here. This stuff boils my blood. If you’re a racist teacher you’re undoubtedly going to bring that into the classroom. You can’t keep the walls separate in a job like teaching: if you hire shitty people, you get shitty teachers. This Super is pretending that wall between personal and professional for teachers

“Officer, I don’t like the way that black lady told everyone the truth about me turning a blind eye to institutional racism!”

So this comes down to;