Petty Betty

Exactly. And the fact that no one, between his employers or family, thought to keep him away from public announcing is not good.

They always have some half assed excuse for being themselves in public.

Also, as mentioned in this article, this isn’t really a word mess up or goof, this is very deliberately stated racism. His family seems to recognize this and say “well that’s the kind of things he says now”. And I am not a doctor (at least not technically speaking, but who needs fancy degrees to practice medicine amiri

Likely they just don’t think his casual racism is really a problem. You probably hear a lot of “Oh, Grampa!” when he starts getting real colorful.

If his family loves him, then why did they let a man who “makes mistake in his words just talking to him in a conversation” have a public position doing just that, knowing he could embarrass himself, them and anyone within earshot?

“He makes mistake in his words just talking to him in a conversation, you would know if you weren’t so quick to judge,” wrote the person. “He is literally the most unselfish, honest, caring and loving man I know.”

On Facebook, someone identifying himself as one of the announcer’s family members said the man, who is in his 80s, recently suffered a stroke, reports the Washington Post.

The trouble is, generally, who they were vetted by.

“Now even the Conservatives in the Supreme Court are with Trump and the GOP’s corruption and racism. America as we once knew it is over”

Look at that peak white lady hair. Ain’t even a little surprised she also an over-texter.

I remember as a child thinking that the people who got in to positions of power had been vetted, earned their place and would tend to use their power in a fair and impartial manner.

What is, ‘all of the above’, Alex?

I can’t tell what’s worse: that she abuses her authority by fucking deputies, that’s she’s “Jackie Gleason as a 70s car chase movie sheriff” racist, or that’s she’s one of those thirsty ass people who blasts your phone with too many texts.

who gives a shit. even in a fair fight he would have had his ass handed to him. You shitters care about “fair” fights so much and you think its just poc people who do this. fuck off shitter.

I can watch this GIF all goddamn day.

The Devils called...NJ doesn’t want him either.

Zimmerman’s attorney and founder of conservative legal rights group Judicial Watch, Larry Klansman said “The nation should applaud Mr. Zimmerman”

Fuck him straight to hell.

This fake “woke” shit is starting to get on my last nerve. Boomer describes a group of people born during the baby boom following WWII. If you were born between 1946 and 1964, you’re a fucking boomer.

and all the gen xers I know are basically in managerial positions complaining about being old like get a life 43 is not old