Petty Betty

Bitch, go the bed.

You confuse the reportage of facts and informed opinions (by ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, Google, Facebook, Huffington Post, New York Times, L. A. Times, the Root Et al.) with the promulgation of right wing propaganda (by Faux News and the right-wing swamp).

What gives? Probably your last little brain cell.

Cavuto complaining about someone being unfair to him, that’s funny.

Your comment is pure bullshit. No news channel was state run propaganda during Obama’s era like Fox News is state run propaganda during the trump era. As I said before, you are full of shit and should be laughed at.

This is where we are today. If a doctor says something, noone pays attention. If a social medial influencer (or close to it) says it, then people take it as the gospel truth.

Oh, that’s not the last thing. Just ask any ER nurse.

Are you kidding?  Ants are at ground level.  That's the last thing I need in my butthole.

The headline made me want to go directly to the comments. But my eye caught the line, “butt-chugging sunlight and had to read on. Now that I’ve made it to the comments I wanna give you all the stars for posting the perfect meme for what I thought while reading this comedy.

Taint that the truth.

It doesn’t work through glass, that blocks the UV rays. Duh.

It is baffling to me that I immediately knew the origin of this GIF. Why does my brain retain information like “one of the extras from the ‘Friday’ song”?????

Thirty seconds of sunlight on your butthole is the equivalent of a full day of sunlight with your clothes on.”

Sure, just let me peel off my winter coat, hat, gloves, scarf, boots, wool jumper, long sleeved t-shirt, tank top, skirt, wool tights, another pair of tights and underwear. Oh, no, I missed the three minutes of sunlight we get per day in november! I guess I’ll just have to try again tomorrow

As usual, Mr. Pipper, perfect gif is perfect. :)

Yeah, that’s definitely a picture of a sunbathing asshole.

I really feel for the poor assistants, boyfriends, long suffering spouses, etc. who take the pictures for these posts.

Interesting theory. But is not the gratification from doing something cool on your own better than buying your way there? Or did gaming start so late there that this “old school view” didn’t get a chance to take root?

“In the settlement, NetEase canceled the transaction, and the plaintiff was ordered to pay 90,000 yuan ($12,789) in damages to the player who bought the $1.4 million character on the cheap.”